Nowadays, many people do wrong in making money because of limitation of the their skills. They find out the easy way that do not need any special skills to do. Lot of girls trying to making money by selling their self and the sad thing about that is many under age girls doing this to get a money, so they can buy a lot of good stuff without seek the money from their parents. Many of the girls selling their self is not because their parents can not fund their needs, but they doing that because of they want to and they want to know more about that things. There are so many illegal activity of prostitution in Indonesia that make a community feels uncomfortable with it. Many places became a place to do this prostitution. Government should do something to stop prostitution in this country to create a healthy and good community . Prostitution will decrease our country 's moral to the low level and can spread the decease like HIV, AIDS and others contagious decease. we should support the eradication of prostitution in Indonesia to make a better country.