Friday, July 30, 2010

Rich and Poor

In this world there is two kind of variety that very different, rich people and poor people. Not all of the human get a lucky fate to live this life, some of them live in luxurious and many of them live in lack condition. This two variety is so contrast, their life is so diffrent. The rich people can get anything they want so easily. For example they can buy for food so easily, they can just buy it and after that, they like to waste their food just like that. They also can spend a huge amount of money just to buy a branded purse or shoes for their collection without thinking that many people out there get dificulty just for buying their daily food.
In other hand, the poor people have to work extra hard to get a few money, just to fulfil their basic needs. They can eat just once a day because they dont have enough money. They dont even think about what purse or shoes they will buy for their collection, they dont think about "what they eat for today", but they just think "how they gonna eat for today."
In conclution, we as a human being can't live without thinking about the others, we have to think before we waste something that not everybody can have it. We have to live with cares for each others who needed our help.

Mechanic or wood pencil??

For all of the students, pencil is the most crucial weapon for facing the class. , there are 2 kinds of pencils, which is wood and mechanic pencils. There are also several difference between those two kinds. Firstly, the mechanic pencil is reusable compare to the wood pencil. You don’t have to think twice when you use a mechanic pencil. On the other hand, you have to bring sharpener when using a wood pencil. Secondly, the mechanic pencil is more expensive than the wood one. So, if you lost your mechanic pencil, you will feel more loss because the price itself. In conclusion, mechanic pencil has more advantage compare to wood pencil but it has also some disadvantage compare to wood pencil. You have to think by yourself.

Life in a city and life in a village

Many people move from a village to a city to find a better and more opportunities. To compare life in a village and life in a city, both have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of life in a village are quieter and more peaceful as there are not so many vehicles, factories, which create lots of noise and air pollution. Furthermore, people in a village are more polite and helpful. Nevertheless, villages, do not offer much education, many jobs and business opportunities. On the other hand, life in a city offers a lot more education, jobs and business opportunities as well as entertainment. People can choose many kinds of education to get, they can study whatever and wherever they wish. They also can find any kinds of jobs, do any kinds of business and enjoy entertainment. However, life in a city is very busy, noisy, polluted both air and noise and people are not so friendly and helpful. Life in a village is more peaceful and familiar, but less opportunities and entertainment. While life in the city offers more education, job, business opportunities and entertainment.

Cars or Bikes?

As we all already know,nowadays there are two types of private transportation that is most preferred by people,which is cars and motorcycles or bikes. Cars is a preferred choice if you are able to afford it, although cars is more expensive,cars offer more safety,durability,and the appearance is more appealing than bikes. On the other hand, bikes is of course way cheaper than cars, but that is also depends on what type of bikes you would like to buy. If you want a cheap bikes, you can get it at around five million rupiah, but if you want a premium bikes such as ducati,harley-davidson and many more, you will spend quite a lot of money,most of the cases the bike's price will be more expensive than a regular car. Bikes is faster than cars, especially at a traffic jam, but the risk of accidents in bikes is way bigger than cars. In short,cars and bikes have their own superiority and drawback,it is all depends on the user to choose which one that suits them the most.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cause and Effect of Abortion

In Indonesia there are approximately 2 million babies die each year caused by abortion. If we calculate, there are around 3 until 4 babies that killed in every minute. 57 percent of women who have abortions are under the aged of 25 years old, even 24 percent of them are teenagers under the age of 19 years. Most of them do abortion because of a lot of factors, such as they already have many children, pregnant before marriage, don't have enough money and others factors. Women who have abortions are at high risk to their health. There are 2 types of abortion risk, the first one is health risks and physical safety. When a woman had an abortion, she is at a high risk of death which caused by heavy bleeding, torn uterus (Uterine Perforation) or because of the failed anesthesia. Moreover, they may have various types of cancers, like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and liver cancer. The second one is mental health risks. Women who have abortions have been affected by severe mental disorder, 82 percent of women lose self-esteem, 52 percent of the women screamed hysterically, and 63 percent experienced nightmares over and over again about the baby. They also filled with guilty feelings that can't be lost for years in their life.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cause and Effect of Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is healthy. However, drinking too much of it will bring negative drawbacks for our body. There are several reasons why they do drink. Firstly, the fact is saying that alcohol perceive benefits such as mood alternation or pleasures. However, consuming too much of alcohol will be destroying the body. Therefore, many people even the teenagers are consuming nowadays. Secondly, due to alcohol is proven to enables releasing stress and increases the blood flow; the number of people consuming alcohol has been accumulating overtime. Last but not least, alcohol also reducing the possibility to get high blood pressure if it is consumed for a low dosage. In conclusion, things that is too much is not good.

The Effect of Family Environment on the Personality of a Child

environment is one of important aspect that effects a child's personality, it affects almost 80% of child's personality, and the most influence environment on a personality of a child is family environment. if a child raised in a good family that provide good educations and examples for their children, then the child will imitate the good qualities that have been installed by their family since their childhood. on the other hand, if a child raised in a bad family, such as; broken home family, criminal family, etc. indeed, it will gives bad effect for their child. there's a possibility that their child will become a criminal or perhaps if that child has grown up and have a family, their family will also become a broken home family. besides not all child would follow their family behavior, but most of them built their personality by looking from their family. in short, children will take examples from their environment especially family while they built their personality. if the family gives them good examples, they will become a good person. however, if the family gives them bad examples, their child will also follow and become a bad person.

Using Blackberry

Nowadays, many people using blackberry. Blackberry is one of the most famous gadget .So many types of blackberry such as: Curve, Bold, Gemini, Storm, and Tour. We can do some activities that notebook or laptop also can do with blackberry. That’s why people say blackberry is the mini laptop or mini notebook. We can chatting, facebook-ing , twitter-ing , browsing , download-ing , taking a picture , making a call , and many more .Just pay for Rp 100.000 to the provider and you can use the internet access for one month. You can use it every time, everyday and everywhere. That causes people who using blackberry does not care about the situation around them. They busy with their own blackberry. The love when the traffic light is red, that’s mean they can take the blackberry and chatting with others. They will use the blackberry until the traffic light turns into green. Sometimes they chatting and driving at the same time. At class, student also busy with their blackberry. While the lecture presenting the materials, the student only sit at class, their eyes look at the lecture pretends they are give the lecture attention, but their hand hold the blackberry and typing message. They don’t understand what the lecture saying about. Blackberry is very useful , but we should use it at the right time and right place.


There are some causes and effects of flood in Indonesia. The first causes is lack of awareness to throw the rubbish into the bin. People usually throw the rubbish in the street or river. As a result, these rubbish can fill the water pipe under the street and it make the water cannot flow fluently. The second causes is many irresponsible parties perform illegal logging action. They cut and take the wood from the trees without care about surrounding environment. Because of that, when the rain season is coming, the rain water cannot be absorbed by the root. Therefore, every people should care about environment and keep the cleanliness.

Global Warming: The Causes and Effects

Global warming has become a major problem that the dangers is often being underestimated by many people. People may not realize that their everyday action is worsening the "global warming". For example,the main cause of global warming is an increase in greenhouse gases such as water vapor,carbon dioxide,etc. Greenhouse gases is what absorbs the heat from the sun, it slows the heat's escape from the earth,without the greenhouse gases,the earth will be colder by approximately 30 degrees celcius,which does not make life possible for our current ecosystems. Basically we humans could not live without greenhouse gases,but,excess of greenhouse gases is not a good thing either. The use of fossil fuels,deforestation releases the carbon dioxides and other "heat trapper" into the atmosphere,which results in the excess of greenhouse gases concentration. The excess of greenhouse gases will results in more heat trapped in our atmospheres,since the greenhouse gases is what keeps the "heat" from exiting the earth. The results are obvious,the earth is getting way hotter,i am sure all of you already realizes it. The increase in the earth's temperature will melts the ice on the arctic and rises the sea levels. The experts predicts that in 2100 the sea levels will rises by at least 25 meters. That is not all the effects people,the increasing global temperatures will surely increase the amount of natural disasters like hurricanes,floods,heat waves,you name it. There are some things that you can do to help the earth,such as applying 3R,reducing the amount of electricity you use,reduce using the air-conditioner,plat more trees,and many more. In conclusion,it is the act of humans that causes the global warming,and it is also humans that will feel the effects,but there is still hopes that we can help the earth.

Glasses vs Contact Lenses

There are many people wearing glasses or contact lenses nowadays, either to help them to see or to look more fashionable. Although both, glasses and contact lenses, are useful for the myopia, many people are having dilemma in deciding on what to wear. Have you ever been confused in deciding what to wear? There are several differences between glasses and contact lenses. First of all, when you are wearing glasses, it might create distortion between your eye and the frame. While contact lenses will help you to see more natural, since, the lenses are worn right on your eye. Next, glasses will create fog regarding with the temperature. In contrast, contact lenses will not create fogs. Thirdly, glasses can be taken off easily. Whereas, contact lenses must be taken care more than glasses, due to the sensitivity of the lenses. Last but not least, glasses has cheaper maintenance fee rather than contact lenses. Glasses will not need to be change for every 6 months (or even less), unlike contact lenses. In conclusion, both glasses and contact lenses are beneficial. However, both of them do need to be handled carefully.

Online Business or Real Life Business ?

There are several differences on which Online Business and Real Life Business. Most people these days can open an Online Business easily by make use of today’s social networking website and Facebook was one of the famous social network web. In the other hand, Real life business requires budgets and large assets to run it due to for the promotion and to hire employee. Advantages that online business bears are they have unlimited customer that could visit their online shop and could directly see the products by just clicked it on the photo, second, Online shops enable their customers to save more time rather than to go to mall or department store. Third, Online shops also enables the sellers/owners to save more money for the promotion in the web itself rather than real life business. However, real life business has also absolute advantage on the customer side. First, real life business lets the customer to more believe in rather than online shop that the owner is unknown to the customer. Second, Real life business enables the owner see the customer’s expression when they saw the products that they wanted to purchase. Third, Real life business could gain more customers rather than online business, real life business can post their advertisement at the television as a commercial or maybe in the billboard that contains the business’ number that let customers to call the business directly to order something. There are more advantages comparison between Online and Real life business, Both of the business could let people to absolute success when people put so much effort in it.

Game Abuse

There are several causes when people are sometime abused by games. Games these days have make people spend their time during their spare time. Indeed, games are one of people’s favorite hobbies, especially teenagers. Games that abuses teenagers these days are MMORPG games (Multiplayer online Role Playing Game), that game usually makes the player hunt to gain their character’s level. The effects of abused by games are first, they play games during their spare time at home instead of studying for exams. Second, they’ll always talk about their games with their friends rather than concentrate on the teacher’s lecture. Third, Players that concentrated to long on the screen could hurt their eyes and can lead to eye disease. There are more effects that is caused by abuse gaming that could affect their life.

Cause of making call in the car

A lot of people are calling while they were driving. Car accidents involving cell phone use while driving has been limited in the past, but it's slowly becoming available to the public. There are several effect if you have called in the car. Firstly, it can cause you to accident. Most of the drivers are teenagers. They even did not care with the rules. The most important things for them is talking while they were driving. Based on data, if you have called in the car, it can increased 25% of your chance for being crash. Secondly, it can put an effect on your brain. While you were calling in the car, your brain’s activity will be decreased by 27% based on the data. In the conclusion, if you want to make a call with someone, you should use hands-free or loudspeaker for decreasing your chance of being crash.

Is Dieting Good ??

Dieting could affect dieter's life for several reasons. First of all, everyone who is in dieting program should have a different ingest pattern and amount of their foods instead of those who isn't. Having a diet program might be successful for the first few days, but after days later it could change their desire. They will be more passion in having more food in unusual portion, which leads them to diseases such as, heart disease or diabetes. After that, every dieter should have a proper exercise. In this case, many dieters think that by having diet doesn't mean that they have to do the proper exercise. Thats why many dieters could easily get disease when they fail to keep on the dieting track. Therefore, it could be better to not to take any dieting program if you can't afford to do it in a proper way or without your own strong willingness, because sometimes they who try with their own willingness could fail on their attempt.

Studying in Binus International

i chose Binus International to continue my education is a right choice because Binus International university is located in a strategic places, provides high education standard and creates reliable graduate students. The reason why I said Binus International is located in strategic place is because it is near from my house. It only takes 15 minutes if the traffic is not jammed. Next, Binus International has high standard in education. Binus International requires every collage students to understand and able to communicate in English properly. Last but not least, Binus International produces reliable graduate students. Most students who graduated from Binus International find it easy to find a job since it is a well known university for it is business school. In conclusion Binus International is the place to achieve better education and it is really a convenient place to study since it is located in good area , has high quality education and produces reliable graduates.

The Effect of Littering

Nowadays, people in the city like to throw away the trash not into the trash bin. They do it like that is their new hobby. Sometimes, when they were in the car, they liked to open the car's window and throw out something without thinking the effect from what they did. Firstly, littering can caused flood because the drain is full of trash, so when the rain came water don't have enough space. Water will fill up the street and any place which have lowland. Secondly, littering can make a global warming because if you trow a plastic into the ground it would not going to rot. It will pollute land forever, exept if you recycle it into something new that usefull. In my opinion, we should trow the trash away into it place because we will get what we did. If we did littering, the effect will impact to us and the others, so we have to think before we act.

Water pollution

Water has been infected by germs and viruses because of human activities such as factory activities and household waste. The waste from factory is directly dumped to the nearest river or sea. Moreover, if the waste has not been filtered before, it can be more dangerous when it mixed with water. Not only factory waste, household waste also caused the water is being polluted. Many people who live near the riverbank threw their household waste directly to the river. From both the factory and household waste, the water becomes infected by a lot of risky material. The water ecosystem damaged by a lot of waste and dangerous things that makes fish and water plants died. In addition, the water changed color and it becomes smelly. Now, human cannot use the water directly anymore because it dangerous for body. In conclusion, the water is precious for human but because of human too the water cannot be using anymore.

Several Ways to Make a Better Earth

Earth is getting hotter each day, of course it gives bad effects to the environment on it. People should be more concern about that issue, because we live on it and anything happens with Earth will also affect us. So, what should we do? First of all, plant more trees, it will reduce the pollution, because as we know tree will inhaling CO2 and will replace it with O2. Therefore the air will be more fresh if there are more trees that planted. Then, we should apply the "3R" in our life, which are; Reduce using something that will pollute the environment, for example plastic. Reuse something that still can be use, it will decrease the consumption of our natural resources. And finally recycle our useless things into something useful, it also will save our natural resources. In brief, we should be more care about our Earth starting now before we are to late, it can be by doing the simplest things such as; plant more trees, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Causal suicide

Suicide is the act of stopping life itself is done by individuals themselves or upon request.Whatever the culture and mindset of people, providing a variety of reasons and definitions mean different about this suicide. Still, at its core is "desperation." Some causes of suicide is hopelessness and depression hit, the test of life and environmental stress, psychiatric disorders / insane (insane), or the crush of Economics of Poverty (Treasure / Faith / Science), suffering a prolonged illness. As a result of suicide is the loss of lives. I think suicide is not a good thing to solve the problem. For people who are not willing to despaired, and still live a life as heavy and as bad as anything, then he would never kill myself doing this. Because he realized that life is indeed full of the trials heavy and bitter, so simply the act of suicide for him in vain and cowardly. Because there are still many things that can be done in this life, and everything must have its limits. Because no matter how hard the problem, still he has a deadline (completion), although the problem had to be completed by the time, but he finished well.

How to Prepare For A Study Abroad Program

There are three important things you should prepare for study abroad. First , enough money to pay the school fee and for the living cost. Beside that , you should pay attention with the small expenses too . For example , for go to doctor and for shopping . Second , the local language . If you are not mastering the language at least you can hear and understand if people talk to you. Directly learn the language from the local resident is very good . If every day you hear and practice , finally you can doing conversation in their language . Third , complete information about the country . About the culture , seasons , temperature , fashion , time difference , the food , the place , the existing transportation , the special event there , and so on . Many things you should prepare if you are decide to study abroad , but the three things above is the most important .

Social Network

There are some benefit that can be obtain by joining social network group in the internet. Nowadays, many people have create an account in social network group such as, facebook, twitter, blog, and others. Through this social network, people can maintain social relationship with people arround the world. Moreover, they can also use their account as marketing tools to market their products. Besides, they can also read the experience of other people who write in their account. However, we often heard from the news that there are some irreponsible parties who try to cheat or defeat other by pretending as famous figure or providing interesting offers which require the people to transfer some amount of money but they did not get anythink. Therefore, people should be careful and pay attention to whom they will build the social relationship with and do not easily trust other people.

Tourism Spots in North Sulawesi

There are three tourism spots that you should visit in North Sulawesi because of the beautiful panorama that you cannot find in the another places. Firstly, if you visit North Sulawesi, you must go to the Bunaken Sea Garden. Bunaken Sea Garden is a place for the person who loves nature, sea, and water sports such as scuba diving, snorkeling, and swimming. In the Bunaken Sea Garden, you can see the beautiful underwater panorama and thousands species of unique fishes that you can only find in Bunaken Sea Garden. Secondly, Wakeke Street which is located in the Manado. Wakeke Street was resolved by the local government as the culinary tourism. In Wakeke Street, you can find the regional cuisine which is Bubur Manado ( Manado Porridge). Next is Linow Lake which is located in the Tomohon City. You can find the lake with four colours that can change the colors everytime. You can enjoy the lake panorama with spend time in the cafe that provides coffee, tea, cakalang noodle, fried rice, banana fried, and the local cake. To sum up, you can go to the tourism spots in the Bunaken Sea Garden, Wakeke Street,and Linow Lake which are provided the beautiful panorama that you cannot found in another places.

Videos on YouTube

YouTube is a popular site that has many videos to share with all the people around the world. There are benefits watching videos from the YouTube. First, we can watch the video without downloading it before. Because people will usually get boring when they are waiting the downloading movies, but using YouTube, they can watch it while streaming the video in the same time. Next, by using YouTube, we can find a video from many places in the world. We can watch the video from other country without going to the place. Last, YouTube video is easy to share. We can easily upload a video or just watch the video. For conclusion, YouTube is a very good site for watching videos.

Why the student become lazy in the class

There are several reasons why the students become lazy in the class. First of all, the most common reason is that the students can’t follow the lesson well. Because of they can’t follow the lesson; their motivation to study will be decreased. They will think that there is no need to study if at the end of the class the will get failed. Second, they are affected by their own interest. With having their own interest to much, the time of their studying will automatically decreased as well. They will prefer to spend their time with the more interesting to them and not studying. Third, the student is affected by the family factors; this family reason can affect the student will of studying. The effort of a student who abandoned by their family and with the one who got support from their family will be different. So for conclusion, the students become lazy in the class because they can’t follow the lesson, they are affected by their own interest, and affected by family factors.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Magic Puffer E-Cigarettes

The electronic cigarette or Magic Puffer - nowadays people liked to call it, makes use of technology. Basically, its almost the same with tobacco cigarettes that we puffed,but e-cigarettes have certain benefits like No more : standing outside, Tar, Carbon Monoxide, Ashtrays, Second-Hand smoke, Smoker Breath and etc. It also reduce your daily spending, because you don't need to buy another cigarettes to puff, just buy the refills of those e-cigarettes and start to save the earth. Could you imagine how good you are by saving your surroundings, people who were standing beside you are no longer be the secondhand smoker anymore. I mean, you can be proud of yourself from right now of because you already started using those e-cigarettes. And did you know that Carbon Monoxide that the tobacco cigarettes produce limits the amount of oxygen that the red blood cells spread throughout your body causing the smoker to become easily winded when exercising or performing strenuous activities? Briefly, what I'm trying to say is if you can't stop smoking, you can use this type of alternative which is using e-cigarettes because it benefits more for you and your surroundings. Why don't you try to check your daily spending on your cigarettes ? Open this and you'll find out !

Positive and Negative Effects of Online Gaming

Play is very fun to fill my spare time. There are no age limits in terms of play, ranging from small children to older people. Usually we play because we want to fill empty time, overcome boredom, entertainment equipment, and there is also made as a means to make money. In playing games there positive and negative impacts. The positive things in the can from the game such as increasing the power of our imagination, shapes the way we think, to improve our concentration power, has a sharp eye more accurately than those not playing, increase the speed in typing, improving English language skills, and make it easier to socialize. As for the negative impact of the game as addictive effects, real life becomes a mess, making people become stupid, making people terisolisir with the environment, resulting in eating and sleeping patterns are not regular so prone to disease. So we should be able to control the pattern of our play ^ ^

Cause and Effect of Internet

Many people spent most their time on internet. Internet is currently booming due to advanced technology. What are the causes and effects that made people used it?. Starting from the cause; many causes why a lot of people use internet. On internet, they could browse information that currently happened, play game online, chatting, etc. Most people could spend their time on internet during 12 hour in one day. They enjoy and feel more fun rather than do some activities, but internet has effect on our daily life. People can waste their time only browsing internet, lazy to do anything, and even worse than that. People could do a criminal on internet. They could cheat people on trading/shopping, put some virus on our computer, breaking a bank, etc. We must careful while using internet. It can be useful and dangerous for us.

My father has an excellent health

There are three reasons why my father has an excellent health, even though he is over fourthty years of age. First, he has an excellent condition because he quit smoked cigarettes since 8 years ago. He quit smoking cigarettes because whenever he worked, he would be cough several times and it hurts his troth. Second, his excellent health condition is also because he can be able to decrease his wrong kinds of foods. For example, he would eat red meat and deep-fried soups three times a week and nowadays he rarely does so. He tried to become more vegetarian and he said “I have more energy after I become vegetarian”. He also has routinely exercises. For instance, every morning he always runs with his beloved Golden Retriever, Scarletjo. He also plays badminton on weeken at Ancol. Indeed, my father is in better health condition than his sons.

The reason why we do need to have goals.

Goals, in this case, is not a goal in the soccer game. However, goal is something that you are aiming for, in other words, the objective. There are several reasons why we do need to set our own goals. Firstly, goals are giving us direction and reasons why we do things. Therefore, by having your goals will keep you in track on what you are aiming for. Secondly, people who have goals will be much faster in doing things rather than the one who does not, because, by having your goals means that you know where to go and what to do. Lastly, many people believed that by having goals will create motivation and enthusiasm. In conclusion, setting goals will create many benefits in, both, short and long term.


The uses of cellular phones have spreading like wild fire on now days. It has become a part of everyday life. In this year, there are 2 products that are trend in among customer. Many customers feel confused to choose which one is the best. The products are Blackberry and iPhone. Currently, the BlackBerry Smartphone market has biggest market share, but not least the still favor the iPhone as option. These products have different quality and application. iPhone has greater application than Blackberry. It has uniqueness inside and outside. Apple is also very active in improving the lot of things or overcome obstacles that occur with the iPhone, and very stable to kept at-Enhance the presence of the next version. In conclusion, these 2 products have advantages and disadvantages. Choose based on your needs. These products are very interesting and quality technology.

How to be success ?

Everyone has their own meaning about success and how they ways to get that success. I think to be success in business is when we can get more profits and good relationship with our partnership. There is some success sacred that you must to know. First , managing your time wisely. It is mean that we should managing our time in study, watching, and relation with our family. This is important things that we must to do to be success, because a success person was could used their time efficiently and effectively. Second, making a full commitment. In business world there are a lot of chances that looks can earn many advantages for us. In General usually everyone have own dream. To past it; we should make our plan and motivation that can be our commitment in the future. Finally, don't ever hopeless. We know that Albert Einstein was a person who never hopeless when failed in his experiments. Maybe he has tried more than 1000 times. In do our business, we should try and try when we failed. Don't worry failure is beginning of success!. Based on the reasons, the sacred of success is inside you. So be yourself !!

The Advantages and Disadvantaes of Living in Apartment

Living in apartment have several advantages and disadvantages, it also have a shortage and abundance. First of all, the advantage living in apartment is you can get a lot of facilities that offered, like Gym, spa, swimming pool, tennis court, etc. The occupant can use all those facilities to keep their body stay in a fit condition. Next, living in apartment make us automatically get more secure from the security guard. The security guard will try the best to securingc the condition of the apartment to make the occupant feel comfortable and no need to feel worry. Second, the disadvantage of living in apartment if in case that happened an accidend like fire. It will be harder to evacuate the occupant because they live in a high level not in the first level. occupant also have to notice about the safetiness of their kid because it is dangerous to leave the kid alone in high level of building. At the end, there will always be advantages and disadvantages of living in apartment, so think carefully before you choose your place to live.

How To Eliminate Boredom

Boredom is a normal and natural feeling that exists in every human life. Usually, boredom arises when things happen with the repetitive frequency. Boredom can be characterized by fatigue, not creative, and no interest in something that was really you are interested. These things will cause stress or depression. I have several tips to make you more comfortable and not bored again. First, you can do writing. Through writing, you can divert attention from school work for a while. Second, teaching can also eliminate the boredom. The object of teaching you can be friends, sisters, cousins, or nephews. If you teach lesson to them, it will change the bad atmosphere become more colorful. Last, you can walk around or do some activities. If you are bored at home, try taking a course outside. This will make your brain becomes refreshed. In conclusion, you must act immediately to do something to overcome the boredom. Symptoms of boredom are not to be avoided but must be resolved immediately.

Girls Dead Monster

Girls Dead Monster is one of my favorite Japanese female rock band. They were first formed by 4 female high school students who lost their way of life, but then music leads them to a new path of life and they finally met up and formed the private band in the school, it was called Girls Dead Monster. After a several months they've practiced, they’ve put up a concert on the school to gain the students’ approval as the school’s rock band. After a several songs played in the concert, the school loved it and Girls Dead Monster was officially the school’s band and gained the entire school’s attraction. 3 months after the concert, Iwasawa, the vocalist-guitarist died due to that she suffered a brain disease. However, the band wouldn’t end here, they’ve put up an audition to the students in the school to volunteer as the new Girls Dead Monster’s new Vocalist-Guitarist. A hyperactive girl named Yui was chosen as the new Vocalist-guitarist. This band was dedicated to the Angel Beats anime.

Golden Retriever or Rottweiler??

There are three big differences between Golden Retriever and Rottweiler. First, they have differences on characteristics. For instance, Golden Retriever has friendly characteristic; on the other hand, Rottweiler has brutal characteristic. We can bring Golden Retriever into our bedroom; but if you bring your Rottie, that is a bad idea. Second, they have differences on behavior. For instance, Golden Retriever cannot stand on the hot weather, so they need to be inside the AC room 24-hours. However, Rottweiler can stand on the outdoor weather, because they have a good resistance for heat. Third, they have different reaction when they meet a new person. Golden Retriever wills always greed everyone very kind. They will just sniff that people, then that person can hug it; On the other hand, Rottweiler will never give mercy for new person that they met. For instance, when Andi went to my home, he was got barking by my Rottie. The Rottweiler keeps barking and looks like Rottie wants to eat Andi. Indeed, Golden Retriever and Rottweiler have differences that we must know and be aware, so you can consider which dog that you like it.

The Liquid Gold

The liquid gold or olive oil , this miracle oil gives a lot of benefits to human. Beside gives an extra taste to our food, olive oil also can be used for our health and beauty. First of all, I will mention some benefits of olive oil for our health. When we drink olive oil, it can lower our cholesterol levels, because olive oil contains omega 9 which was able to suppress levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and raise levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL). Moreover, olive oil can strengthen the gall bladder, lower blood glucose, lower gastric acid levels and also can prevent cancer because it contains phenol. Secondly, I will mention some benefits of olive oil for our beauty. Olive oil contains lots of vitamin E, which was very useful to maintain our skin elasticity. Furthermore, olive oil can makes our hair healthier if we rub it to our hair after shower. In conclusion, olive oil is very useful for our life.

Water is Healthy

   Drinking water is good for our health for several reasons. First, drinking a glass of water after we woke up in the morning could regenerate and refresh all part of our body. Second, drinking a glass of water in one hour or half an hour before breakfast, lunch, or dinner could help to refresh our digesting system. After that, drinking a glass of water in night time before going to bed could make our body part become relax and also could avoid us from stroke or heart attack. Therefore, drinking at least eight glasses of water in a day can keep us healthy and fit as doctors recommends.



The 2008 Global Financial Crisis

There are several factors that caused the global financial crisis happened in 2008. First of all, it was started by a new banking system called Securitisation. This system allowed the banks to turn their various loans into sellable assets, such as mortgage. Unfortunately, this new management system was running without the right control and management. As a result, this condition leads to financial burst. In other words, when the price of the houses declining, so did the investment, loans, and other loans of the banks. This, again, caused difficulties for other people, such as the business people, to get bank loan. Furthermore, beside its misused of the Securitization system, the bankers, hedge funds, and others was too confident in interpreting the system of Securitisation. They thought that they already spread all the risks effectively. However, when it went wrong, it all went wrong which caused the 2008 global financial crisis. At the end, this global financial crisis forced the government to help those banks from collapse through bail-out. In conclusion, the 2008 global financial crisis began when the banks, hedge funds, and others false in interpreting the Securitization system.

Healthy Food

Everyone needs a healthy food in their life. It can be harmful if you choose the wrong characteristic of a healthy food. There are several characteristic of a healthy food. Firstly, it should contains carbohydrate, fat, protein, fiber, and milk as complementary drink. If you consume those kind of food whenever you eat, your body will be an ideal posture. On the other hand, if you consume more fat and less protein, you will become big posture or fat. You should make it balanced among the foods. Secondly, decreased the quantity of you consume a food in the stalls, because we never know that it is really clean for our body or not. Unless, you didn’t have a choice to choose the right place for eating a food, but never don’t too much. So, decreased the quantity of consuming food in the stalls will be the better idea for getting a healthy food. In the conclusion, choosing the good characteristic food for your body is really helpful to protect from illness. Then, if you choose the right characteristic of healthy food, you will feel a different in your body.

Dangerous Animals Everywhere!

There are many dangerous animals that you should be aware of when you go to a certain places. Animals like snakes,bears,sharks,crocodiles can really takes your breath away,literally. When you go to mountainside to camp for example,you really should be aware of the possibility of bears that might attack you. Therefore, if you are not feeling like fighting any bears,you should not keep your foods outside where it might be possible for a bear to smell it and are attracted to come to your campsite. Another place that are often being visited by people without knowing the dangers are the beach,or the sea to be specific. There are many cases of people being attacked,or worse,eaten,by sharks. For this particular animals all i can say is do not swim too further where the coast guards can not sees you anymore. There are also dangerous animals like snakes in the forests. When you encounter snakes,you should not run or make any movement that may lead the snakes into thinking that they are being threatened,therefore if you just stand there not doing anything,the snakes will leave you,eventually. Finally there is the big ol' crocodile, my favorite animals. It really can kills people. There are a lot of cases of crocodile attacks,most of them kills the victims instead of just decapitating them. Well,crocodiles is really a true hunter,when it targets its prey,it will become-somewhat-invisible,so it would be really hard to notices it. Most of the time when you are being attacked by crocodiles you will be at the river,so the only thing that you can do when you are being attacked by crocodiles is pray to god almighty and try to survive the best you can.  AIthough the chances to escape are slim,it is still better than just let the crocodiles eat you and do nothing. In conclusion,you should be more careful and more aware when you go to certain places that stated above,and even if you really encounter these animals,use the tip i gave above and hopefully it will work,if it doesn't,well that might be just your bad luck.

Cause and effect of divorce

Divorce is ending the relation between husband and wife, there is a lot of cause why both of parties decided to separate, and also there are lots of negative effects of the divorce. Nowadays, the rate of divorce becoming higher and keep increasing from time to time, and this could be happen because people are so busy and hard to meet with each other. The common cause that leads to divorce is about financial problem, Jealousy, and immaturity. Furthermore, based on my research the financial problem is the higher rate that makes people choose to divorce. The one who will get the negative effect of divorce is the children. Children who are under age is harder for them to accept the situation, because they do not have enough strength to get move this kind of stress. During the divorce children always be the torn between the parents, this kind of situation affect the emotional problems in the children. In short, the common problem that leads people to divorce is financial problem and the effect of divorce is on the children.

Save the earth, Save the pandas

There are several reasons why panda becoming endangered species. Firstly, panda is one kind of species that low in productivity, this is because panda is very picky in choosing their mates. Secondly, is because human action, panda really love cold temperature and bamboo. But, today its hard for panda to find bamboo and cold places because there are billions of people who live in China. And in addition Panda have to walk more than 50 kilometers, to find new places to live. Thirdly, is because the environments change. Global Warming really affect the giant panda extinct, this thick coat of black and white hair cannot survive is low temperature. In conclusion panda becoming endangered species because of the loss of production, human action and environments change.

Living at Home and Living Away from Home

Most of us, as we are still teenagers, prefer to live at home with our parents or family. However, there are some teenagers that prefer to live away from home. When we are living at home, it is no doubt that we will feel more comfort and safe as we live in a familiar environment. Also, it is easier for us to asking for money whenever we need it. In other words, we tend to be more dependent. In contrast, living away from home can give us more benefits as well as challenges. When we live away from our parents, our sense of responsibility will be built and grew automatically. We tend to be more responsible and consider everything that we want to do, especially in doing ativities that need money. The most important aspect of living away from home are the liberty and independency that we will get. We do not need to ask permition or allowance from our parents anymore. Still, living away from home, to me, it means our parents already believe in us to prepare our own live in the real world. In short, living at home and living away from home have its own benefits and challenges. We just need to decide by ourselves which one we prefer most.

Cause and effect of playing poker (Gambling)

Poker has recently been popular with young people whether they are high school students, university students or employees and they are getting additive to playing poker. Base on my research, the cause of playing poker is that the poker houses and the bookies have marketing officers who flatter young people to play poker. First, they bat in small amount of money and win. This make them happy and addicted as they get money easily, so they come back to play and tell their friends about it. They do not realize that this is a trick to make them keep playing. After some time, they, of course lose. When they lose, they become curious and want the money back. So, they keep playing thinking about getting the money back until they run out of money. When they run out of money, the bookie will lend them some money and make them win a little money. This is an evil trap. They do not realize that they are already in the hands of the bookie and become a serious gambler. The effects of gambling are vary. Gamblers can be in serious debt, commit crime such stealing as they need a lot of money to pay their debts and to gamble, deprived from family and friends, lose their jobs and drop out of schools and bankruptcy.

Smoking in public places

Smoking in public areas can cause second-hand smoke and it is impossible to be avoided. Many people starts to smoke and drawn into it because of some medias, magazine advertisements and then they become addicted by the tobacco companies that put ammonia, carcinogens and other toxins in their products. Smoking also cause disappearing or extinguished sense of smell and taste, and more of face wrinkles, stroke, heart disease, and also reduced flow of oxygen to the brain. Everyone is actually smoking, the passive smokers are the worst one, someone who starts to smoke is maybe because their parents smokes and they're becoming the passive smokers, so they are called smoking too because they inhale the smokes that cigarettes produce in the air. Secondhand smoke is extremely dangerous to young children and infants and it should be avoided because children's lungs are still developing and they are at greater risks to developing sore throats, colds, wheezing and coughing, asthma whenever they are exposed to second-hand smoke. People exposed to second-hand smoke are 30 percent more likely to die from heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. Conclusion, stop smoking is the best way to avoid those bad effects and also preventing the increase the rate of smokers these days or you might also try to use the alternative which is using e-cigarette, though it still produces smoke but it is a lot safer and not giving the secondhand smoke.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever is one of my favorite’s home pets. There are three reasons that make Golden Retriever become my favorite pets. First reason is because Golden Retriever has good characteristics. Golden Retriever always shows that they are the friendliest home pet ever. For example, when first time I met Brownies (My dog name), she immediately lie beside me. I never met Brownies before, but it looks like we had met before. The second reason is because Golden Retriever is loyal with their master. For example, when I went home in the evening, Brownies always wait in front of the door. When I enter the door, she immediately will run toward and she looks very happy. The Third reason is because Golden Retriever has an excellent brain. I bought the Dog Magazine; and I saw the cover picture that shows the Best of Breed winner from Golden Retriever. I told to my father and he interested to train Brownies to become a winner dog too. When Brownies attend to the competition, I and my father never imagine that she can be a winner; even she got Reverse Best of Breed only in 1 year. Indeed, Golden Retriever has the criteria to become the favorite’s home pets.

Enjoy Jakarta's bad traffic with audiophile.

Jakarta is known as a metropolitan city where there are a lot of traffic jams that people might be stress because of it and most of them are getting late to school or work. Therefore, people need more pleasure time to get away from such condition such as listening to music that can affect their adrenalin. Driving can be so tiring or fun that depends on oneself. The only way that they can be accompanied with is music or radio if they drive alone or else they can be fall asleep which is very dangerous for their life. For me and my friends, we love to listen to music that can make us relax when facing the bad traffic in Jakarta such as BossaNova, Jazz, Instrumental, Accoustic, and etc. It is also better for us to buy an audiophile CD. The reasons of why we have to buy an audiophile CD are, firstly, it is usually contain those type of songs, and the most important things is, an audiophile CD produces high-fidelity sound so we can listen to every detail of the vocal and the instrument which are perfectly mixed and played. Secondly, it is also for our hearing satisfaction. Therefore, we can enjoy the song from the beginning until the end of the song. Unlike pirated CD, it usually produces very bad sound quality.

Let's Love Our Country, Indonesia

There are several factors that make Indonesia different compare to other countries, like Switzerland. First, Indonesia has many unique cultures on its every district. For example, Ngaben which is the funeral ceremony of the Balinese people. We cannot find this type of culture in every part of the world. So, this is one of the value that we should appreciate. Another factor is the dances. Indonesia has many unique traditional dances. Each dances represent a story or a tradition in a region. For example, Ramayana which represent the story between Rahwana, Rhama, and Shinta. Last but not least the culinary. Indonesia has a lot of variance in terms of food and beverages. Each of the regions in Indonesia provides you with so many different taste of food, starting from the spicy one until the sweet one. For instance, Gudeg from Java for those whole love sweet. In short, there are three factors that make us to realize and appreciate the beauty of Indonesia: the cultures, its traditional dances, and its culinary.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

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