Monday, July 26, 2010

Enjoy Jakarta's bad traffic with audiophile.

Jakarta is known as a metropolitan city where there are a lot of traffic jams that people might be stress because of it and most of them are getting late to school or work. Therefore, people need more pleasure time to get away from such condition such as listening to music that can affect their adrenalin. Driving can be so tiring or fun that depends on oneself. The only way that they can be accompanied with is music or radio if they drive alone or else they can be fall asleep which is very dangerous for their life. For me and my friends, we love to listen to music that can make us relax when facing the bad traffic in Jakarta such as BossaNova, Jazz, Instrumental, Accoustic, and etc. It is also better for us to buy an audiophile CD. The reasons of why we have to buy an audiophile CD are, firstly, it is usually contain those type of songs, and the most important things is, an audiophile CD produces high-fidelity sound so we can listen to every detail of the vocal and the instrument which are perfectly mixed and played. Secondly, it is also for our hearing satisfaction. Therefore, we can enjoy the song from the beginning until the end of the song. Unlike pirated CD, it usually produces very bad sound quality.