Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Liquid Gold

The liquid gold or olive oil , this miracle oil gives a lot of benefits to human. Beside gives an extra taste to our food, olive oil also can be used for our health and beauty. First of all, I will mention some benefits of olive oil for our health. When we drink olive oil, it can lower our cholesterol levels, because olive oil contains omega 9 which was able to suppress levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and raise levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL). Moreover, olive oil can strengthen the gall bladder, lower blood glucose, lower gastric acid levels and also can prevent cancer because it contains phenol. Secondly, I will mention some benefits of olive oil for our beauty. Olive oil contains lots of vitamin E, which was very useful to maintain our skin elasticity. Furthermore, olive oil can makes our hair healthier if we rub it to our hair after shower. In conclusion, olive oil is very useful for our life.