Monday, July 26, 2010

Let's Love Our Country, Indonesia

There are several factors that make Indonesia different compare to other countries, like Switzerland. First, Indonesia has many unique cultures on its every district. For example, Ngaben which is the funeral ceremony of the Balinese people. We cannot find this type of culture in every part of the world. So, this is one of the value that we should appreciate. Another factor is the dances. Indonesia has many unique traditional dances. Each dances represent a story or a tradition in a region. For example, Ramayana which represent the story between Rahwana, Rhama, and Shinta. Last but not least the culinary. Indonesia has a lot of variance in terms of food and beverages. Each of the regions in Indonesia provides you with so many different taste of food, starting from the spicy one until the sweet one. For instance, Gudeg from Java for those whole love sweet. In short, there are three factors that make us to realize and appreciate the beauty of Indonesia: the cultures, its traditional dances, and its culinary.