Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Magic Puffer E-Cigarettes

The electronic cigarette or Magic Puffer - nowadays people liked to call it, makes use of technology. Basically, its almost the same with tobacco cigarettes that we puffed,but e-cigarettes have certain benefits like No more : standing outside, Tar, Carbon Monoxide, Ashtrays, Second-Hand smoke, Smoker Breath and etc. It also reduce your daily spending, because you don't need to buy another cigarettes to puff, just buy the refills of those e-cigarettes and start to save the earth. Could you imagine how good you are by saving your surroundings, people who were standing beside you are no longer be the secondhand smoker anymore. I mean, you can be proud of yourself from right now of because you already started using those e-cigarettes. And did you know that Carbon Monoxide that the tobacco cigarettes produce limits the amount of oxygen that the red blood cells spread throughout your body causing the smoker to become easily winded when exercising or performing strenuous activities? Briefly, what I'm trying to say is if you can't stop smoking, you can use this type of alternative which is using e-cigarettes because it benefits more for you and your surroundings. Why don't you try to check your daily spending on your cigarettes ? Open this and you'll find out ! http://smokefree.nhs.uk/quit-tools/cost-calculator/