Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Effect of Family Environment on the Personality of a Child

environment is one of important aspect that effects a child's personality, it affects almost 80% of child's personality, and the most influence environment on a personality of a child is family environment. if a child raised in a good family that provide good educations and examples for their children, then the child will imitate the good qualities that have been installed by their family since their childhood. on the other hand, if a child raised in a bad family, such as; broken home family, criminal family, etc. indeed, it will gives bad effect for their child. there's a possibility that their child will become a criminal or perhaps if that child has grown up and have a family, their family will also become a broken home family. besides not all child would follow their family behavior, but most of them built their personality by looking from their family. in short, children will take examples from their environment especially family while they built their personality. if the family gives them good examples, they will become a good person. however, if the family gives them bad examples, their child will also follow and become a bad person.