Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Effect of Littering

Nowadays, people in the city like to throw away the trash not into the trash bin. They do it like that is their new hobby. Sometimes, when they were in the car, they liked to open the car's window and throw out something without thinking the effect from what they did. Firstly, littering can caused flood because the drain is full of trash, so when the rain came water don't have enough space. Water will fill up the street and any place which have lowland. Secondly, littering can make a global warming because if you trow a plastic into the ground it would not going to rot. It will pollute land forever, exept if you recycle it into something new that usefull. In my opinion, we should trow the trash away into it place because we will get what we did. If we did littering, the effect will impact to us and the others, so we have to think before we act.