Monday, July 26, 2010

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever is one of my favorite’s home pets. There are three reasons that make Golden Retriever become my favorite pets. First reason is because Golden Retriever has good characteristics. Golden Retriever always shows that they are the friendliest home pet ever. For example, when first time I met Brownies (My dog name), she immediately lie beside me. I never met Brownies before, but it looks like we had met before. The second reason is because Golden Retriever is loyal with their master. For example, when I went home in the evening, Brownies always wait in front of the door. When I enter the door, she immediately will run toward and she looks very happy. The Third reason is because Golden Retriever has an excellent brain. I bought the Dog Magazine; and I saw the cover picture that shows the Best of Breed winner from Golden Retriever. I told to my father and he interested to train Brownies to become a winner dog too. When Brownies attend to the competition, I and my father never imagine that she can be a winner; even she got Reverse Best of Breed only in 1 year. Indeed, Golden Retriever has the criteria to become the favorite’s home pets.