Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is Dieting Good ??

Dieting could affect dieter's life for several reasons. First of all, everyone who is in dieting program should have a different ingest pattern and amount of their foods instead of those who isn't. Having a diet program might be successful for the first few days, but after days later it could change their desire. They will be more passion in having more food in unusual portion, which leads them to diseases such as, heart disease or diabetes. After that, every dieter should have a proper exercise. In this case, many dieters think that by having diet doesn't mean that they have to do the proper exercise. Thats why many dieters could easily get disease when they fail to keep on the dieting track. Therefore, it could be better to not to take any dieting program if you can't afford to do it in a proper way or without your own strong willingness, because sometimes they who try with their own willingness could fail on their attempt.