Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Smoking in public places

Smoking in public areas can cause second-hand smoke and it is impossible to be avoided. Many people starts to smoke and drawn into it because of some medias, magazine advertisements and then they become addicted by the tobacco companies that put ammonia, carcinogens and other toxins in their products. Smoking also cause disappearing or extinguished sense of smell and taste, and more of face wrinkles, stroke, heart disease, and also reduced flow of oxygen to the brain. Everyone is actually smoking, the passive smokers are the worst one, someone who starts to smoke is maybe because their parents smokes and they're becoming the passive smokers, so they are called smoking too because they inhale the smokes that cigarettes produce in the air. Secondhand smoke is extremely dangerous to young children and infants and it should be avoided because children's lungs are still developing and they are at greater risks to developing sore throats, colds, wheezing and coughing, asthma whenever they are exposed to second-hand smoke. People exposed to second-hand smoke are 30 percent more likely to die from heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. Conclusion, stop smoking is the best way to avoid those bad effects and also preventing the increase the rate of smokers these days or you might also try to use the alternative which is using e-cigarette, though it still produces smoke but it is a lot safer and not giving the secondhand smoke.