Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Several Ways to Make a Better Earth

Earth is getting hotter each day, of course it gives bad effects to the environment on it. People should be more concern about that issue, because we live on it and anything happens with Earth will also affect us. So, what should we do? First of all, plant more trees, it will reduce the pollution, because as we know tree will inhaling CO2 and will replace it with O2. Therefore the air will be more fresh if there are more trees that planted. Then, we should apply the "3R" in our life, which are; Reduce using something that will pollute the environment, for example plastic. Reuse something that still can be use, it will decrease the consumption of our natural resources. And finally recycle our useless things into something useful, it also will save our natural resources. In brief, we should be more care about our Earth starting now before we are to late, it can be by doing the simplest things such as; plant more trees, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.