Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Online Business or Real Life Business ?

There are several differences on which Online Business and Real Life Business. Most people these days can open an Online Business easily by make use of today’s social networking website and Facebook was one of the famous social network web. In the other hand, Real life business requires budgets and large assets to run it due to for the promotion and to hire employee. Advantages that online business bears are they have unlimited customer that could visit their online shop and could directly see the products by just clicked it on the photo, second, Online shops enable their customers to save more time rather than to go to mall or department store. Third, Online shops also enables the sellers/owners to save more money for the promotion in the web itself rather than real life business. However, real life business has also absolute advantage on the customer side. First, real life business lets the customer to more believe in rather than online shop that the owner is unknown to the customer. Second, Real life business enables the owner see the customer’s expression when they saw the products that they wanted to purchase. Third, Real life business could gain more customers rather than online business, real life business can post their advertisement at the television as a commercial or maybe in the billboard that contains the business’ number that let customers to call the business directly to order something. There are more advantages comparison between Online and Real life business, Both of the business could let people to absolute success when people put so much effort in it.