Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Positive and Negative Effects of Online Gaming

Play is very fun to fill my spare time. There are no age limits in terms of play, ranging from small children to older people. Usually we play because we want to fill empty time, overcome boredom, entertainment equipment, and there is also made as a means to make money. In playing games there positive and negative impacts. The positive things in the can from the game such as increasing the power of our imagination, shapes the way we think, to improve our concentration power, has a sharp eye more accurately than those not playing, increase the speed in typing, improving English language skills, and make it easier to socialize. As for the negative impact of the game as addictive effects, real life becomes a mess, making people become stupid, making people terisolisir with the environment, resulting in eating and sleeping patterns are not regular so prone to disease. So we should be able to control the pattern of our play ^ ^