Friday, July 30, 2010

Life in a city and life in a village

Many people move from a village to a city to find a better and more opportunities. To compare life in a village and life in a city, both have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of life in a village are quieter and more peaceful as there are not so many vehicles, factories, which create lots of noise and air pollution. Furthermore, people in a village are more polite and helpful. Nevertheless, villages, do not offer much education, many jobs and business opportunities. On the other hand, life in a city offers a lot more education, jobs and business opportunities as well as entertainment. People can choose many kinds of education to get, they can study whatever and wherever they wish. They also can find any kinds of jobs, do any kinds of business and enjoy entertainment. However, life in a city is very busy, noisy, polluted both air and noise and people are not so friendly and helpful. Life in a village is more peaceful and familiar, but less opportunities and entertainment. While life in the city offers more education, job, business opportunities and entertainment.