Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cause and Effect of Abortion

In Indonesia there are approximately 2 million babies die each year caused by abortion. If we calculate, there are around 3 until 4 babies that killed in every minute. 57 percent of women who have abortions are under the aged of 25 years old, even 24 percent of them are teenagers under the age of 19 years. Most of them do abortion because of a lot of factors, such as they already have many children, pregnant before marriage, don't have enough money and others factors. Women who have abortions are at high risk to their health. There are 2 types of abortion risk, the first one is health risks and physical safety. When a woman had an abortion, she is at a high risk of death which caused by heavy bleeding, torn uterus (Uterine Perforation) or because of the failed anesthesia. Moreover, they may have various types of cancers, like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and liver cancer. The second one is mental health risks. Women who have abortions have been affected by severe mental disorder, 82 percent of women lose self-esteem, 52 percent of the women screamed hysterically, and 63 percent experienced nightmares over and over again about the baby. They also filled with guilty feelings that can't be lost for years in their life.