Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Causal suicide

Suicide is the act of stopping life itself is done by individuals themselves or upon request.Whatever the culture and mindset of people, providing a variety of reasons and definitions mean different about this suicide. Still, at its core is "desperation." Some causes of suicide is hopelessness and depression hit, the test of life and environmental stress, psychiatric disorders / insane (insane), or the crush of Economics of Poverty (Treasure / Faith / Science), suffering a prolonged illness. As a result of suicide is the loss of lives. I think suicide is not a good thing to solve the problem. For people who are not willing to despaired, and still live a life as heavy and as bad as anything, then he would never kill myself doing this. Because he realized that life is indeed full of the trials heavy and bitter, so simply the act of suicide for him in vain and cowardly. Because there are still many things that can be done in this life, and everything must have its limits. Because no matter how hard the problem, still he has a deadline (completion), although the problem had to be completed by the time, but he finished well.