Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cause and effect of playing poker (Gambling)

Poker has recently been popular with young people whether they are high school students, university students or employees and they are getting additive to playing poker. Base on my research, the cause of playing poker is that the poker houses and the bookies have marketing officers who flatter young people to play poker. First, they bat in small amount of money and win. This make them happy and addicted as they get money easily, so they come back to play and tell their friends about it. They do not realize that this is a trick to make them keep playing. After some time, they, of course lose. When they lose, they become curious and want the money back. So, they keep playing thinking about getting the money back until they run out of money. When they run out of money, the bookie will lend them some money and make them win a little money. This is an evil trap. They do not realize that they are already in the hands of the bookie and become a serious gambler. The effects of gambling are vary. Gamblers can be in serious debt, commit crime such stealing as they need a lot of money to pay their debts and to gamble, deprived from family and friends, lose their jobs and drop out of schools and bankruptcy.