Monday, August 23, 2010


Sicko is a documentary film that tells how bad service from health insurance in America. This film tells how the American citizens who are sick and cannot claim their insurance policy. This film compared United States with other countries, such as Canada and India. In Canada healthcare is free. If we sick, we just go to the hospital and we will get free treatment. In India is also free for the health care, even the patient will get refund for their transportation cost. U.S health insurance companies were becoming a business that corrupt and taking away their client assets. They add lots of term and conditions to meet or to claim the polish. If they got sick, they will just drink medicine or they heal by themselves. I saw in the movie that health was very important for the people in Canada and India hospital, but not in U.S. hospital.


Sicko is a documentary about health insurance in some countries (the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom). This film tells the difference health insurance in some countries. The first United States, in this country I see the health insurance business only cares about the interests of their companies. They prioritize the company profits, compared to help Americans who are dying. In this documentary, I can see when the doctor always reject insurance claims, the insurance company become more happy. Insurance companies in America trying to find a blemish to be able to resist such claim. They do not care about the state of their customers who need the insurance. I think this is a very heinous act, insurance companies are seen as killing their customers. Another case in the United Kingdom, when I saw the documentation of health insurance in this country I am very impressed. Health is very important in this country, health insurance prioritize the health than the money. What makes me more impressed, their transportation money will be reimbursed by the hospital when they go to the hospital. Likewise in Canada, although not as good as in the United Kingdom in this country is better than in the United States.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Sicko is documentary film about healthy in America. In the film, Michael Moore tries to analyze why health care in America seemed to be neglected. This film shows us the reality of the high cost of health and decadence in American health care system, as well as crime-party health insurance in dodging of responsibility for clients' claims. In America, the health cost isn’t free, but in Canada, England, France is free. Sicko is flawed but effective. Most importantly, regardless of its overall veracity, it provides an opportunity for open and frank dialogue about an issue that has been politicized and ignored for far too long in this country. Whatever anyone's feelings may be about Michael Moore, it's hard to disagree with his argument that health care in America is broken and needs to be fixed. After watch Sicko by Michael Moore, Is Health Care or Health Insurance in Indonesia has been satisfying its people?


SICKO is a documentary movie that shows how health care systems in United States compared to any other countries such as France, Canada, England. In my opinion, a health care systems in United States still have more powerless compared to Canada and England. In US, people can’t have an emergency handling if someone got a serious problem without in any advance. For instance, person who got their finger’s cut, the hospital will charge them in a high price such as 16.000 dollars per each. That is impossible for people who can’t pay for that. Then, Michael Moore came for solve this problem. He change all over the structural in health care systems, and even they got pay back for person who use public transportation to go for the hospital. That is a brilliant idea and solution in my opinion. Not only that kind of solution, but also he makes an own hospital for the old people using his own money by credit from the bank. In overall, Michael Moore is one of the heroes in healthy life for all person in United States. He just go beyond the problem for finding an excellent solution.


This documentary movie was told about health insurance in U.S , Canada , and England. Health insurance is enough important to our life, because the healthy fee now is expensive. In U.S , some company of health insurance is mean. The company always searches the way to decline people who want to get their insurance, because the company is want to search more profit than help people. While, in England , when the people did treatment in the hospital, it is free and when the people used cab to the hospital, then the fee of cab were paid by the hospital , it means England is more care about healthy than profit. Moreover, in Canada was almost same with in England. I think this documenter movie is good, because give new knowledge to me about health insurance, and also we must search and use the good company of health insurance. Moreover, we should care about our health and keep it for a better life. Because, it is better to prevent than cure.


I am astonished and force me to smile grimly. It is amazing that it happens in such a big and rich country like the USA. The health care system is based on the higher the payment the better health care is provided. Those who cannot afford to pay health insurance can not have the service with ridiculous reasons while it is supposed to be the rights for all citizens. Therefore, it says that citizens who have no money, better not be sick as health care is for those who have money. Michael Moore shows the USA health care system is so deceptive and he points out that there are people who determines what sort of people deserve to have health service since the people of the insurance company are business oriented rather than helpful and considerate. He also compares the USA system with those in other countries such as Canada, the UK and France.

If this film is categorized as documentary, it would be appropriate if the director, Michael Moore presents the situation on both sides. However, he does not do it, so this film is a joke. Sicko is witty but also pitiful.

Sex For Sale

Hardship due to economic pressure has made people take any kinds of ways to earn money to survive. One of the ways is selling sex. Sex for money is called prostitution which has existed for a very long time and it cannot be vanished. Not only women who do it but also men which is called gigolo who provide services for both men and women. Wherever we are, in rich or poor countries, big cities or small cities, there is sex for sale. People who do this kind of activity are those lack of education, unskillful and lazy, they are not willing to do manual labour or to work hard, they just want to get easy money. They do know it is against moral/ethic and law and a;so the risks of doing such activity. They can be arrested or infected by diseases, but they have no choice. Both users and sellers are against moral and are vulnerable of diseases such as syphilis, herpes or even the deadly HIV. However, anyone can be contaminated by these diseases not only by prostitutes, but also by sex for free such as one night stand. You never can tell. Actually, I do not mind sex for sale as there are always demand and supply and as long as this activity does not disturb the society and do it safely. Besides, the society can only scorn them, but do not give the solution. As prostitution cannot be vanished, it would be better if the government legalize and localize it. So that the spread of diseases can be at least minimized by having them have regular medical check up and vocational training for their future when they are “retired”. In addition, it can create job opportunities such as selling food, laundry, room service and other services and also revenue for the government. Furthermore, there will not be any more illegal street hookers that can spread funeral diseases and disturb the society.

sex for sale

Prostitution are scattered throughout the world. This problem has made people arguing about the decision of this issue. Sex for sale is an expression where woman gave her body to people for money, in other words, woman agreed to have sex with someone, however she must be paid with a prices that she wished for. From this prostitution, woman can earn a large number of money and in a faster way. Demand of prostitutes will always exist. It’s about sex that we’re talking about, most women in this world loves to have sex with their boyfriend or husband, and it’s all not related to education problems in the terms of their relationship.


Michael Moore is a director of a movie named Sicko. Sicko launched in US on June 2007 and grab a huge money from it. Sicko tells about how insurance service people in US, Canada, France and Cuba. There so much difference between the service in US and Canada. in US , a treatment for the patient is really expensive. usually, Insurance company in US do not want to fund the patient if they had a serious health problem, they used to rejected the request from the patient. On the other hand, in Canada, every health activity is free. People in Canada do not have to worry about they health fee because the government will pay it for them. The government also pay back the transport money of the patient if they use the public transportation to go to hospital.

Jakarta's Traffic

Traffic congestion (traffic jam) has always been a daily problem for people who lives in Jakarta. Traffic congestion happened mainly because the increasing amount of vehicles on the road. The size of the road are not equal with the amount of vehicles on it. There are many causes of traffic congestion, such as the traffic management. For example, the duration of red light on one road is way too long,when it is actually can be the same with other road.
Another cause is the driver's attitude. Most of the driver's here in jakarta,whether in a bike or car,are very impatient. It is really hard when you want to make a turn sometimes because the oncoming traffic does not let you to. Sometimes you have to squeeze in yourself that often result in your car hit the oncoming car. Another cause is the condition of the road itself that causes traffic congestion. The condition of the road in some places of Jakarta is very saddening. It takes a long time for the government to repair it.
The last cause in my opinion is the lack of proper public transportation. I think if there is a proper public transportation, like MRT for example, it will surely reduces the traffic amount on the road. People will prefer to use the transportation that is faster,cheaper,and more secure than uses their own vehicles. Another solution to reduce the traffic is that the government can limit the age of the vehicles that are allowed on the road, like five years maximum for example. That way the traffic will be reduced greatly. The government really should do something about this matter.


Sicko is one of the second documentary film that i watched in my life. Come to think of it, this film is dedicated to people that needed health insurance and about pharmaceutical in US. People lived withouth life insurance due to it's high cost that people couldn't afford to have. Services in other country than US provides better service than the insurance company that existed in the US, and i think that this film warned american people to look on more their health industry.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

SICKO (Film Review)

Sicko is a documentary film by Michael Moore. This movie discuss about health insurance and pharmaceutical industry in the United States. The film was comparing between for-profit universal U.S. system with the non-profit universal health care system in Canada, United Kingdom, France and Cuba . In addition, this movie provide the facts about the health insurance or health care in United States which very expensive different with United Kingdom and Canada that provide free health care for those who needed, even they pay back the transportation fee to go to the hospital.


The different between ethical and legal issues are still confusing for the business manager that is not trained as a lawyer. A good business manager, they should be able to create a functional business fundamental that still concern about an ethical and legal policy. But, there is an assumption said that another's authority are not affecting the differences between ethical and legal issue. Moreover, it is ethically to solve the problem in the law court although some legal issues has been proven. In fact, the best way to respond the ethical disagreement are by society protest and litigation.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Sicko is a documentary film about health insurance in some countries, especially in United States. Almost fifty million american people live without health insurance because of the cost is too expensive. Although they have it, it will not give any guarantee. A few people people in United State said that they were rejected by their health insurance with an obscure reason. Compared with UK and Canada, they are provide better services than US. Health insurance is free in both countries, they even provide transportation service without charging a fee. This film is a lesson for United state to improve their health division as one of developed country.


The movie was directed and written by Michael Moore. This is a documentary film about American citizens who have rejection experience by insurance companies. Nearly 50 million U.S. residents live without life insurance. Every time they prayed for safety and nothing happens to them. Because the cost of health care in America is very expensive. Many of them have filed insurance but were rejected with unreasonable reasons. For example because of that people is too fat or too thin. For those American citizens who have the life insurance is no guarantee they will be free from health costs. Many of those who fell ill and had submitted a letter of medical costs to be replaced, rejected by insurance companies. The insurance companies in America, they only think to continue to add their company income. There's someone in the company are responsible for finding ways to reject the request reimbursement for the health of customers at departure. There is a recognition by a doctor who formerly worked at one of the insurance company in U.S, if they managed to make a rejection, then the company will give the doctor some extra money. Compared with the UK and Canada,the way they handle the health problems is very good.In England and Canada,all of the health cost is free. Surgery, maternity, hospitalization all free. Even the transportation fees to the hospital, will be replaced by the hospitals. This shows that the big and powerful country as the U.S. still has problems in the health sector.

Legalize Prostitution!

Prostitution had always been a problem that our government fights for a long time. It is like a wild grass,you cut them,they grow even more. I personally think the government should legalize prostitution,since it will remains there whether the government legalize it or not,and will make it easier for the government to control. The government can take yearly taxes of the prostitution,which i think is a huge number. The government should also facilitate it. For example creating a legal prostitution zones,selecting the prostitutes carefully,annual health check for the prostitutes,and many more. Although it will make our country's morale and images as an islamic country freefalls, it will really benefit the government.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


SiCKO is a documentary movie directed by Michael Moore. This film reveals the truth about the healthcare system in the United States,where everything related about your health is expensive. For example,re-attaching your finger,one finger,costs $60,000. Every americans prays everyday so that they will never get a serious disease,because the cost is outrageous. The only option left for the americans is to apply for a health insurance. Unfortunately,just to be accepted by a health insurance company is very difficult,because the requirements given by the health insurance company makes it so that people with a slight bad habit or bad genes could not be accepted,they (the company) does not want to take any risk. Even if you are accepted by the insurance company,that does not mean you are safe,whenever you claim for a medical care that you took they will always find a way so they will not cover that. This movie also compares the healthcare system in America with England,Canada,Cuba and more countries. The healthcare in Canada is a total opposite of the healthcare in America,where everything related to your health is very cheap,they even cover the money you used for transport to hospital. Many Americans even crosses the border to Canada just to get some medicine. All in all,i personally think this is a very good and educational movie. This is an eye-opener for us who still thinks United States of America is a perfect country where you can get everything you wants.

SICKO (film summary)

This film is directed and written by Michael Moore. Sicko is a documentary film that retells stories about health insurance In America. Many people suffer because of this health insurance. In addition this film is about an interview, and collection of short movie about the victim of the health insurance. However, these films also give us a big picture about American system, and also make a comparison between another countries such as Canada and England. American is develop and strong countries, they give free education, but really expensive in health. In contrast Canada and England, they also give free education the different is Canada and England give free heath insurance to all people needed, even the transport to go to the hospital. I personally think that this film is really good, because from this we can know that how bad the health insurance system in American, how people survive, and how people disappointed about the service.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sex for Sale

Today, many countries likewise the developing has an increase in the number of sales of sex. I am, as a woman, disagree with the statement of sex for sale. There are reasons that support with this disagreement. Firstly, sex for sale increases the number of prostitution, and this will bring much bad impact to the nation and young generation; as, for the nation, people will be prefer to be a prostitute rather than blue or white collar worker. For the young generation, they will also prefer not to go to school and be one too. Secondly, there will also be an increasing in the number of diseases other than HIV. For instance, herpes. Thirdly, there also might have an increasing in the number of cancer on the reproduction system due to keep in changing sex couple. In conclusion, i disagree with the statement for the sex for sale.


Prostitution already exists in the earth from many years ago. Until now, we still can find prostitutes almost in every country, especially in big cities. Most of them do that job because of economic reason. I think they should seek another better jobs, than do prostitution. As we know, prostitutes would be underestimated by society. They are considered worthless, even many people think they are very despicable. In addition, the prostitutes are also susceptible to diseases like HIV. Prostitution is also a form of violation of human rights. If a woman forced into prostitution, it would be considered as a crime. Someone who forced a woman into prostitution, should be arrested because he has ruined a woman's future. Government must act decisively in dealing with prostitution case. Communities also need to take part to eradicate prostitution, especially the men.

Sex For Sale

The world of prostitution has been spread widely in all over the world. There are many pro and contra about this problem. Sex for sale defines as a physical surrender of a woman to the sexual needs of any male who desire it on a payment. I agree with legal prostitution. The legal prostitution is brothel prostitutes in certain locations based on government policy. There always has been and always will be, demand of prostitutes. When we relate prostitution and the development of tourism, it seems that there is an interdependent relation. Prostitution, legally or covered, is increasing because of the supra-structure of tourism which supports the tourist industry. Women will more control over their lives, health, safety and finances if prostitution is legalising. Women can earn much money from prostitution. If someone wants to accept my money to have sex, what’s the problem?. It’s only sex, nothing else. The involvement of a woman in prostitution with all kinds and all forms of practice in public, is closely related to the problems of educational level, and the shape of human relations among men and women, or husband and wife.