Monday, August 16, 2010

Prostitution-sex for sale

I strongly disagree with the statement, that mention ”sex for sale “ because I believe that there are many things we can do rather than selling your body. I also disagree if these prostitutions happen in people underage, because children who underage should be think about the education compared to think about their body it self. In addition “sex for sale “ is same like prostitution, and prostitution is illegal in some countries such as Indonesian. However, prostitution can increase the rate of abortion, which abortion is also illegal because is against a human right. In Some countries, prostitution is illegal because prostitution can brings people to the deeper level of poverty. Based on my research there is more 5000 young people underage involved being prostitution, and the level of poor attendance in school is higher from time to time and it keep increasing. If this stay happening in our country I strongly believe that our country cannot be develop in the future, because if the children are not educated well, we have to remember that our country is in our children hand.

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