Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Good and Bad effects of playing games

People these days need games to play and entertain themselves to let themselves get rid of their bored. Playing games gives good effect to people. Especially children, however, game abuse could also cause bad effect to children and people in their life. Games could be in many variations, it could be online games, card games, board games, etc.

Game nowadays that is popular is online games. Online games are games which lets people play the games from their computer and connect to internet and find many people inside the game. The game itself lets people to find more new friends, new experience, and other things that they shared with many of their online friends. However, if it’s wrongly used it could be leaded to a fight. For example Player A loses from Player B in the game, then Player A are using bad words as their alibi to mock Player B, then Player B wasn’t happy at all then Player B asked Player A to meet each other and have a real fight. This situation must be avoided and not be done in any online games.

The other example of a game that is popular now is Card games. Card games nowadays let children and people to play with real people and meet with new community. The advantages of playing this card game is that people could find new community to join in and get more friends, and it could train their logic thinking and flow of their mind because card games requires concentration and great strategies to win the game. The bad effects of playing card games is that card games requires money for players to purchase new cards to their deck in order to improve their deck’s power, however, strong card and rare cards are usually expensive. People could spend their monthly credits just for their cards, and they won’t have money for eat and buy daily needs.

In conclusion, games are a compulsory for people to entertain themselves and gain new experience and new friends. But bad effects could also spawned when people are wrongly use the game and abused it.