Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Since several times ago, prostitution has become one of major problem for many countries in this world. Prostitution reflect the statement “SEX FOR SALE”, I strongly disagree with this statement. Even though people can earn a lot of money from prostitution, but it is illegal and give many negative effects for themselves and other people. For example, the prostitutes are vulnerable to sexual disease such as HIV. Moreover, the prostitute may earn a lot of money, but they might only enjoy the money to shop and buy the products temporarily since they will need the money to pay the health treatment. Another negative effect of the prostitution is it can ruin the life of marriage couple, if one of them cheating with the prostitute and they can also be infected by HIV disease or other sexual disease.

Moreover, the prostitution is illegal because they do sexual relationship with other people who are not their husband or wife according to law. In addition, many underage children and people with low economic conditions are forced to be a prostitute; even they are trafficked to other countries. Besides, prostitution can also cause another crime such as drug dealing which is also illegal. Every government of the countries in this world should take legal action and prohibit prostitution. The prostitution escort should be arrested and got punishment according to law, whereas, the prostitutes should be rehabbed and got appropriate counseling.
Furthermore, there is also an opinion that prostitution should be legalized, but I also disagree with this statement because it only provide negative effect for the society and there is no good benefit can be earned from prostitution.