Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why Sex education is important?

Sex education is the knowledge that needs to know early on about anatomical aspects and also explain about the biological aspects of psychological and moral. Sex education is very important to learn so that we can know the effects and influence of sex to our lives. In addition, we also can know the limits and behave socially. Sex education can bring a positive impact for us. But sometimes sex education can also bring negative impacts.

Sex education is very important to know because it provides an adequate understanding of the physical changes, mental and emotional maturation process associated with sexual problems of adolescents, reduce fear and anxiety in connection with the development and sexual adjustment, and forming attitudes toward sex and to give understanding in all manifestations are varied, giving the sense that the relationship between human beings can bring satisfaction to both the individual and family life, and provide understanding about the need for moral values that are essential to provide a rational basis for making decisions related to sexual behavior. Most parents are always putting off for talking about sex with their teenagers. And when parents start talking with their teenagers, often too late. According to research, most adolescents have had sex when their parents try to talk about sex with them. Indeed research conducted in the United States, but teens in Indonesia also has a very poor behavior.

Sex education is also very influential in terms of reducing prostitution, the fear of sexual exploration of the irrational and excessive sex. In Indonesia alone research on Urban Teen Free Sex Behavior ever done with the result that when adolescents received information that the information is not transparent then the tendency to engage in sex because of the higher free-sex information which will tell one good and true. The more diverse the sources of sex information does not guarantee that the tendency of adolescent sexual behavior will decrease. As a result of sex is often the case of prostitution, so the existence of this sex education can give his views about the dangers of prostitution.

Finally, sex education is important and good for in the know the right way and a good view.