Monday, August 2, 2010

REVIEW: Cleopatra

This movie is showing us the history of the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. The story starts when the Roman caesar, Julius Caesar, was obsessed by the 18-year-old queen until finally he got a son by her. As Julius caesar had only a daughter by his wife, so he dicided to pick Octavian as his successor. Unfortunately, caesar's son from Cleopatra was seen as a threat for the Roman Empire. By that time, Brutus and other Roman legislators decided to kill the caesar. After the death of the caesar, the Roman empire had divided into two by Marc Antony and Octavian. Marc Antony took Egypt and soon takes up the affair with Cleopatra. However, after the death of Marc Antony, which was caused by the mortally wound after finally defeated by Octavian, Cleopatra commited suicide and sent her son away to India.