Tuesday, August 3, 2010

REVIEW: The Princess Diaries

Mia, a used-to-be normal teenager who apparently turned out to be a royal princess of Genovia is so busy doing her whole new daily activities. This year her life is way different. But still, being princess doesn’t mean she can run from her school works waiting on her desk like a mountain. In her diary it is written every detail of her day, her problems with her Grandma who insisted that Mia that she should really catch up with her study on how to become a good princess, on the other hand she also need to manage her time for her friends and also her boyfriend. Yeah, now Mia has a boyfriend, her old crush Michael Moscovits.

Although Mia seemed to be so stressful with a bunch of to-do lists that she has to do, but she has to admit that her world is full of new things that really turned her flat world into one very colorful world. She now has a new full nuclear family, as her mom got married with her own science teacher, and they’re going to have a new member in the family. because, her mom is pregnant.