Monday, August 2, 2010

REVIEW: The beauty and the beast

A handsome prince treated a old poor lady badly. Suddenly, she turned into a beautiful woman with magical spells. Because of the prince didn't had a big heart to help a old poor lady but treated her badly. The lady thrown a spell of ugliness and loneliness to the prince. The prince becomes a beast. it is because she wanted the prince to learn to love a person and treat them equally.In the village, live a beautiful and lonely young girl named Belle. Her father was trapped in the beast's castle , in a way to save her father Belle needed to stay in the castle. This was the beast's wish. And a few days after Belle lived in the castle , she decided to go home and saw her father. But the beast was shock and got sick. The beast want Belle to stay in the castle with him. after knowing that the beast is sick, Belle decided to come back to the castle. And Belle said to the beast that she loved him and the spell is gone.the beast turned out to become a handsome prince. after that they lived happily ever after.