Monday, August 2, 2010

Alcohol: cause and effect

Have you ever thought the danger of alcohol?. I will give some information about alcohol. More specifically is the causes and effects. First, let's start with the causes. There are many causes of drinking too much alcohol. For example, people usually use alcohol as a method to get rid of their stress. If they keep doing it. It will create a bad habit and they will drink alcohol before dinner everyday. It is usually happens to teenagers. And the other example, drinking to much alcohol lead to serious diseases which is alcoholism. The environment also can leads someone to drink alcohol to fit with the society. The effect of drinking alcohol, I will mention two examples of the effect. First, is long-term such as fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. The alcohol can effect every system in the body that will create all the long-term diseases. The second effect is the increased risk of injury or death because of car accident, fall, and suicide. It is usually happen to teenagers.It is because they don't know about how dangerous alcohol is. So, drinking alsohol is acceptable but don't over do it. It does not make us lokk cool.