Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Education Is Not The Only Things

Higher education and the diploma is required.But this is not the only things that you should have when expect a good and happy life.Another important factors that required to get a good happy life are : luck , strong desire and always being realistic.

Luck is one of the three others factors required.Many of Indonesian citizen who have proved that without higher education and higher dploma,they can get more prosperous , affluent , and certainly a happy life .For example this eleven success persons : Andi F.Noya , Adam Malik,Bob Sadino,M.H.Ainun Najib,Abdullah Gymnastiar,Ajib Rosidi,Andrie Wongso,Purdi E.Chandra,Hendi Setiono,Buya Hamka,dan Bazrizal Koto ( They are some people who have a great luck, so they can get a very good life. There are many people out there who have a great fortune like them and not published.

Beside that, a strong desire is also needed if you want to get a good and enjoyable life. A person who has no chance of getting a higher education, they can be more success than those who have a high education and high diploma. For example a person who only has a high school diploma, get a job with a small salary.Provided he has the willingness to learn and a desire to have a better life,will makes you be a sucess person.Learning does not need to be done formally by going to a school or campus.Learn from people who are more experienced than us would be very useful.The knowledge that we get can be very useful if it trained with your own skills.Always try to apply the new knowledge that we get. If we can apply that knowledge,the new knowledge will be an additional advantage to obtain a better jobs.By having a better job, the income will be more improved.

Many of them actually became an unemployment and have a worse life after obtaining a higher diploma.They failed to get the job that accordance with their diploma and do not match with what they want. This problem can happen, because they are not realistic, they consider themselves smarter compare with other people.They want and expect the unreasonable salary.That is because they feel certified and highly educated.

In conclusion,have a high diploma is not the only factor to obtain the good and happy life.Because there are other things that must be possessed by every individual to obtain a good life and live happily.