Monday, August 2, 2010

Traditional market VS Modern market

I will compare traditional market with modern market. Firstly, the different shopping at traditional market and modern market. In the traditional market, we can get the price product cheaper and we can save the money for electrical bill, telephone bill, and tuition fee. And then, in traditional market we can bargain with the seller to get some discount. Many housewife is good at bargaining, it's make them feel good. And also we can get fresher products. It is because traditional market usually open in the morning and all their product is distribute in the morning. But their is also disadvantages shopping at traditional market. It is uncomfortable place and unproper arrangement of the product. In the modern market, we usually pay using credit card and also no need to bring many cashes that will reduce risk of minor of crime. And also we can buy imported product therefore we can get more choices. Modern market also provide clean environment to shop around. that's the comparison between traditional market and modern market.