Monday, August 2, 2010

REVIEW: Day Breakers

At a time in the future , the earth infected by vampire virus. Almost all of the human being turned into vampire. Human population is less than 5 % . Human arrested and put into a giant laboratory for blood drawn continuously. They sell the human blood to the vampire. The human blood supply is steadily decreasing and becoming rare. The vampire began to prey fellow vampire in order to survive. They are slowly transformed into a vicious, scary and very wild vampire . A vampire scientist trying to create a human blood substitute to fulfill the vampire needs and also to stop them from capturing the human population who is nearly extinct. He has been realized by a group of human , that there are a better way beside creating a blood substitution .They can return the vampire into a human again.Before practicing these to the other vampires, the scientist tries to his own body . the process is very painful. But at the end , they succeed turn into a human