Wednesday, August 4, 2010

REVIEW: Despicable Me

This movie is about a man called Mr. Gru. He had a dream that someday he will be a best thief in the world. He wants to achieve his dream by stealing the moon with the shrinking gun which also he want to steal. So he try to borrow funds from the Bank of Evil to make a rocket and launch to the moon.
In the bank, he met his rival called Vector, he is a young rookie thief but have good achievement by stealing a pyramid, which apparently the son of the bank owners, Mr. Perkins, but Mr. Gru still don't know about that. Mr. Gru told his plan to Mr. Perkins to get the loan, Mr. Perkins was interested with Gru's idea and he think it was a brilliant idea, but he refuse it because Mr. Gru haven't had the shrinking gun yet. Therefore Mr. Gru promised to Mr. Perkins that he will get the shrinking gun and hoped Mr. Perkins will give him a fund to make a rocket.
While Mr. Gru try to steal the shrinking gun, unfortunately, the Mr. Perkins stole Gru's idea and gave it to his son, Vector. So the compete was begin between Mr. Gru and Vector. When Gru succeed stole the shrinking gun, Vector stole it again from Mr. Gru and shrink Gru's airship. Mr. Gru try to stole back the shrinking gun, he came to Vector's house and tried to get in to Vector's house, but because the perfect defense of Vector's house, Mr. Gru failed to get in into Vector's house. Here, Mr.Gru met 3 little girls from the foster house that sell cookies to Vector, because Vector is very like cookies, so those 3 girl are pleased to come in. Mr. Gru find an idea to stole the shrinking gun by adopt them.
Those 3 girls are Margo, Edith and Agnes. Margo is the oldest, and Agnes is the youngest. They were joining a ballet class and they would performed in the near time, and Mr. Gru promised to attend the performance insincerely.
Finally Mr. Gru succeed to stole the shrinking gun from Victor house by using those kids. On the way home, those kids asked to Mr. Gru to visit amusement park, here Mr. Gru was getting closer with the kids and eventually he loved those kids.
When they arrived at home, Mr. Gru made a video call to Evil Bank and said that he already had the shrinking gun, but the banks still refuse to loan the fund. Mr. Gru was really dissapointed and make an announcement to the minions that the project was cancelled due to the lack of money. Turns out the children and the minions help him by giving him money from their own. Mr. Gru was so touched because their sacrifices to help him. Finally, the rocket was made by their own money and Mr. Gru was ready to launch to the moon to steal it. The date was the same as the ballet performance but he was forced by Dr. Nefario, a person who was always help him in the laboratory. Finally he flew to the moon with a rush because he also wanted to attend the ballet performance. After he succeed shrink the moon and bring it to earth, he headed to the ballet performance. Unfortunately he was late because the performance had finished. There, he found the threats letter from Vector that he captured the kids and Mr. Gru should bring the moon and give it to him if he want the kids back.
So Mr. Gru came to the Vector's house with very angry and gave Vector the moon and asked to gave him back the kids. But vector was break the rule and bring the kids gone with him.
Mr. Gru case Victor's plane assisted by their minions and Dr. Nefario. Finally he successfully to take back the kids and bring them to the house and live happily as a family.