Sunday, August 1, 2010

Car or Motorcycle : Which One Do You Choose?

Choosing what kind of transportation tools that we want to use everyday is very complicated. Why? Because every kind of transportation tools has their own advantages and disadvantages. We will focus on private transportation tools: cars and motorcycles. When we drive a car, we also can ask for at least two, three or maybe more friends to come with us. Because generally, one car is enough for 4 passenger. But if we ride a motorcycle, there is only enough for 2 passenger . It is rainy outside, if we using a car that is does not matter. Weather is not the reason for people who using a car to move from one place to the another place. Your car will protect you from the rain and from the sunlight. Different if you using a motorcycle . You can’t go everywhere when rain. For real you still can go but, you will get sick because of the rain and the wind. Don’t ever think that motorcycle have not some advantages. Using motorcycle as your transportation tools will saving your time . You can avoid the traffic jam. If you spent one hour using a car to reach one place , only 30 minutes or less if you using motorcycle . It save your time and you will not get late . Motorcycle is very economics . Only with Rp 20.000 , we can make the fuel tank is full . To make the fuel tank of a car is full , we need more than Rp 100.000. Beside save our time , using motorcycle also can save our money . Choose base on your need not base on your want.So, which one do you choose?