Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sex For Sale

The world of prostitution has been spread widely in all over the world. There are many pro and contra about this problem. Sex for sale defines as a physical surrender of a woman to the sexual needs of any male who desire it on a payment. I agree with legal prostitution. The legal prostitution is brothel prostitutes in certain locations based on government policy. There always has been and always will be, demand of prostitutes. When we relate prostitution and the development of tourism, it seems that there is an interdependent relation. Prostitution, legally or covered, is increasing because of the supra-structure of tourism which supports the tourist industry. Women will more control over their lives, health, safety and finances if prostitution is legalising. Women can earn much money from prostitution. If someone wants to accept my money to have sex, what’s the problem?. It’s only sex, nothing else. The involvement of a woman in prostitution with all kinds and all forms of practice in public, is closely related to the problems of educational level, and the shape of human relations among men and women, or husband and wife.