Monday, August 2, 2010


My group and i have done many activities for WALHI. I will explained all the activities. Firstly, is we went to a museum and WALHI prodive a small library that place in a van. All the books were donated to WALHI. And there also a space for the people to give their opinions, comments, advices, and critics about the environmental situation in Indonesia. And all the opinions will be recorded in video that will be played in gothe institute and ccf. in the museum. My job is to influence people to come and give their speech by giving informations that usually they did not know. Secondly, in the Gothe institute where the video is played to the guest that were invited. My gruop and I assigned to take parts as documentary team. We take picture and recorded all the activities. And the next day, we were at the CCF where the video was played too. We are asiigned in different job. My job was a fronts desk. Thirdly, the fund raising that planned in April , we did the fund raising not only with WALHI but also other NGO that our friends IB student participated in, such as XS project, Sahabat Anak, and Nurani Dunia. As we discussed together with the others , we reach the decision to hold the fund raising due on 7 may 2010. The place for the fund raising will be at BINA NUSANTARA INTERNATIONAL front Lobby, and the fund raising will started at 10:00 am untill 03:00pm. we choose lunch time to grab the opportunity for people to buy lunch.
From the experience participated in NGO is really great I can learned new things, met the communities, and knowing our environment.