Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sex for Sale

When it is a topic about the right of “Sex for Sale”, there are pros and cons about that statement. But I’m totally agreed with it. The reason is because sex for sale or prostitution is somehow a good way to improve the economic. Well, the reason is difference from one people from the other. Most of the reasons come out is because of the economic condition of the ‘prostitute’. It’s also not our concern how they live their life. Because it’s their own life, they can choose whatever they want to be as long as not disturbs other people. We can’t blamed the government for this, because most of the ‘prostitute’ still doing it even though they know the risk. We should find the reason why it can be happened instead of blaming each other finding the scapegoat for these issues. Beside that, the government duty now is not banned the prostitution. Instead, they should make it legal by organizing and giving the rules about it. By organizing the prostitution we can reduce the spread of disease, the underage prostitution, the place, and also the income in example of the tax. The needs of sex will not disappear from this world, so organizing is much better than banned it.