Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I, as a woman, disagree with sex is for sale. Even though that our situation is very difficult and in a depressing economy, selling our body is a very painful thing to do. Many women think that prostitution can get them out of difficult economic condition easily, but that is a wrong idea. It would be dangerous if they think that prostitution is an easy way out, especially for underage girl. Prostitution could lead to various sexual l transmission diseases such as syphilis, genital herpes, AIDS, etc. Moreover, prostitution can destroy their future and destroy their morale. They need to get education properly to love their own body, to understand how precious a woman can be, and how they treat themselves. There are a lot of jobs that can produce money other than selling themselves, though it is not easy and not giving high income. At least, they still have a future to be a better person than falling into the pit of prostitution. In brief, prostitution only indicates our poor morale and our education. Prostitution will increase the problem rather than reducing it.