Monday, August 9, 2010

If we drink one shot of red wine every day, we will have a good health.

“Wine is the fermented grapes, made in many varieties, such as red, white, sweet, dry, still, sparkling, and for use as a beverage, in cooking, in religious rites, and usually having an alcoholic content of 14 percent or less.” ( “Red wine is wine having a predominantly red color derived from the skin pigment in the red or other dark-colored grapes used in making it.” ( People usually drink red wine after they consumed steak or meat on their dinner. Red wine will offer several advantages on each shot that we take. It will help you out from heart disease, cholesterol, prevent from blood clotting, and also plaques formation in arteries. Besides, it also serves you with lots of disadvantages for your health.

According to the Ezine Articles, “In 1994, two Canadian doctors wrote a report which stated that if every adult in North America drank 2 glasses of wine a day the incidents of heart disease would come down by 40%.( Indeed, wine lovers will agree for a bottle of red wine when they want to start the day with their partner.

There is an issue that men and women are having similar drinking habits but women will never have the same resistance as the men have. When woman have the process of breaking down alcohol in the body, it puts pressure on the liver. If the wine was drunk with the food, then the absorption level become slowed down and the liver gets more time to process the alcohol. There is a big different when a big man drinks half a bottle of wine and when a small women does. ( Not only has a difference in their physique, but also in what they are eating. However, because red wine contains 14% or less of alcoholic content, it will be very dangerous if the children can reach it easily. Therefore, parents should be aware with it, and also provide good education for not consuming an alcohol during underage and the way it works.

Indeed, red wine will be good if it uses in a good order and it must under the parental control, so we can avoid the disadvantages of it.