Monday, August 2, 2010

Traditional and Modern Market

Market is a place for people to buy conveniences or any kind of products. There are two places where you can buy product, in traditional market and in modern market. Nowadays modern market is growing up, especially in DKI Jakarta. And in contrast traditional market become lower. Traditional market is completely different with modern market in prices, security, and comfy. Furthermore in Traditional market we can see many sellers who offers many kinds of product, and there, always interaction between seller and buyer. Same as traditional market, modern market also offer many kinds of product, but in modern market there, no interaction between seller and buyer. Modern market more or less the same as traditional market in selling a product. Based on my research people, choose to buy their convenience need in modern market because of some of factor such as, in modern market the food seems not hygienist, and the market is to crowd and unclean makes people not interest to go to the traditional market. That factor makes traditional market and modern market totally different. In conclusion modern market is more growing, compared to traditional market.