Monday, August 2, 2010

REVIEW: Prince of Persia

This movie tells about an orphan kid named Dastan was adopted as the son by the King of Persia. The King himself has two son that are Gastiv and Tus. Several years later, they start to expand their area by fighting with other Kingdom. One day, Tus heard from their spy that The Holy City of Alamut supply guns for the Persia’s enemies. Then, Tus send Garvis to lead the war with Holy City of Alamut without invite Dastan to participate in that war. However, Dastan follow them quietly and he success to enter the gate of Alamut. Tus want to marry the princess of Alamut named Tamiya. The princess does not want to marry him, she just wants to protect the digger. The digger called Sand of Time. It has the ability to turn back time. Moreover, Dastan found the digger and want to give it to Tus as a gift of his wedding. But, their uncle, Nizam does not agree and want to keep it by himself. Therefore, Nizam make a plan to kill the King of Persia and accuse Dastan as a killer. Then, Dastan runaway with Tamiya and he found out that the digger has special ability to turn back time. So that, he use the digger to shows to his step brother that he is not the murderer. Dastan also remind his step brothers that they should believe in each other as one family and do not easily being cheated by other people. Finally, Dastan can prove that the real murderer is Nizam. After that Dastan return the digger to Princess Tamiya and Tus ask Dastan to marry the Princess.