Monday, August 9, 2010

Pro and Cons about The Prohibition of Blackberry in Indonesia and Arabic Countries

Many people are already familiar and use Blackberry. In Indonesia, even in my university, Binus International, most of the people there are using Blackberry. Basically, it is no doubt that Blackberry is very useful, yet it is also hypnotize people from situation surrounding them. Based on this reality, some countries, especially Arabic countries, are agree to prohibit Blackberry and block its businesses and activities within the countries. In my point of view, I disagree with this statement for some reasons.

First of all, Blackberry is already used widely around the world. People, not only business people, but also teenagers are already familiar with Blackberry on their everyday live. If a country prohibit Blackberry from the market, I do not think that it is going to work very well. Like I mentioned on the introduction, people are already hypnotized and obsessed with it.

Another argument is that having Blackberry does not mean that they forget all situation surrounding them. In Blackberry, there is an application called the Blackberry Messenger. Most of the Blackberry users, use this application more often that others, such as text message or phone. This application make people nowadays, even though they are busy, they still able to keep in touch with their families and friends easily and in convenience way.

Next, Blackberry is a multifunction phone. I know that, there are a lot of multifunction phones in the cell phone market. However, people are still prefer to choose Blackberry than other cell phone brand, such as iPhone. This is because, as many people already use it; so, people are more familiar with all the application, especially the Blackberry Messenger which has been proven can minimize the cost of using the credit. In addition, surfing site using Blackberry is more convenience, as people can browse everywhere and every time they want.

In conclusion, I disagree that Blackberry need to be prohibited from the market. Blackberry still gives us many benefits. We just need to be more strict for people who are still using it unwisely.