Friday, August 20, 2010


The movie was directed and written by Michael Moore. This is a documentary film about American citizens who have rejection experience by insurance companies. Nearly 50 million U.S. residents live without life insurance. Every time they prayed for safety and nothing happens to them. Because the cost of health care in America is very expensive. Many of them have filed insurance but were rejected with unreasonable reasons. For example because of that people is too fat or too thin. For those American citizens who have the life insurance is no guarantee they will be free from health costs. Many of those who fell ill and had submitted a letter of medical costs to be replaced, rejected by insurance companies. The insurance companies in America, they only think to continue to add their company income. There's someone in the company are responsible for finding ways to reject the request reimbursement for the health of customers at departure. There is a recognition by a doctor who formerly worked at one of the insurance company in U.S, if they managed to make a rejection, then the company will give the doctor some extra money. Compared with the UK and Canada,the way they handle the health problems is very good.In England and Canada,all of the health cost is free. Surgery, maternity, hospitalization all free. Even the transportation fees to the hospital, will be replaced by the hospitals. This shows that the big and powerful country as the U.S. still has problems in the health sector.