Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Nowadays, many women often go to the hospital, especially teenagers. It would be better if they go to hospital for health check up, but they go to the hospital for having an abortion. Abortion happening like daily activities in todays life. I, personally disagree with abortion for some reasons.

 First of all, abortion is throwing or killing the unwanted baby. Every human has their own rights to life, so does babies. By having an abortion, it means killing the human rights. Moreover, babies don't have any single fault to be killed and they are God's gift. What God would think and feel about us if we refuse God's gift?

 Next, women could get pregnant because of their own fault. For unmarried woman, they could do mistakes with their boyfriend until they get pregnant or having an illegal baby with them. Because they didn't want their family knows about this, they go to the hospital for an abortion. After that, for married woman, they do their intimacy without using protection. Then, after they know that they are pregnant, they would discuss to their husbands about the plan to have an abortion. The thing is, why they don’t to use the protection if the didn't want to have a baby? Furthermore, technology has improved nowadays, which could be use to prevent the pregnancy.

 By these reason, I disagree with the abortion program that held whether in the hospital or self abortion, because it something that’s not right and also could be danger for women's life.