Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pros and cons About Arranged Marriage

Arranged marriage is a common things long time ago. But nowadays, people believe that arranged marriage is unusual. These have pros and cons argument related to this topic. I believe that arranged marriage nowadays is not important and should not be done. There are many reasons why arranged marriage should not be done.
People long time ago believed that arranged marriage can make their happy because the parents know all the best for their child. However, is this really what happens? Usually parents think they know all the best for their child, but in reality, they even don’t consider about their child feeling. Marriage can’t be done just because it has already arranged before. The important thing such as love is needed between the couple before they get marriage. It’s important to know each other well before they take a step into a marriage.
Next, arranged marriage can’t guarantee that the marriage can be last long and forever. Many marriage happened to be failed, because they are not suitable each other anymore. This can also cause by the ignorance of the marriage itself. Just because our parents told us to get marriage, doesn’t mean that we get marriage. We should realize the important of the marriage itself. It’s not a lover, that if we don’t like it anymore we can break up.
Moreover, the arranged marriage can be mislead someone just because their parent interest. There are many case in arranged marriage, that the parents sold their child because their own debt or other own interest. This should not be done; the arranged marriage is use for other way of crime. The victims, in this case the daughter, usually become traumatic in having their marriage life. In USA, there is a regulation that this kind of criminal of arranged marriage can get into jail.
In conclusion, the arranged marriage should not be done. There are many negative reasons why the arranged marriage should not be done. But I think the most important one is about love. Well, it’s depending on the people itself. Rather they want to marriage by choose their own partner or still want to be arranged by their parent.