Thursday, August 19, 2010


SiCKO is a documentary movie directed by Michael Moore. This film reveals the truth about the healthcare system in the United States,where everything related about your health is expensive. For example,re-attaching your finger,one finger,costs $60,000. Every americans prays everyday so that they will never get a serious disease,because the cost is outrageous. The only option left for the americans is to apply for a health insurance. Unfortunately,just to be accepted by a health insurance company is very difficult,because the requirements given by the health insurance company makes it so that people with a slight bad habit or bad genes could not be accepted,they (the company) does not want to take any risk. Even if you are accepted by the insurance company,that does not mean you are safe,whenever you claim for a medical care that you took they will always find a way so they will not cover that. This movie also compares the healthcare system in America with England,Canada,Cuba and more countries. The healthcare in Canada is a total opposite of the healthcare in America,where everything related to your health is very cheap,they even cover the money you used for transport to hospital. Many Americans even crosses the border to Canada just to get some medicine. All in all,i personally think this is a very good and educational movie. This is an eye-opener for us who still thinks United States of America is a perfect country where you can get everything you wants.