Sunday, August 22, 2010


SICKO is a documentary movie that shows how health care systems in United States compared to any other countries such as France, Canada, England. In my opinion, a health care systems in United States still have more powerless compared to Canada and England. In US, people can’t have an emergency handling if someone got a serious problem without in any advance. For instance, person who got their finger’s cut, the hospital will charge them in a high price such as 16.000 dollars per each. That is impossible for people who can’t pay for that. Then, Michael Moore came for solve this problem. He change all over the structural in health care systems, and even they got pay back for person who use public transportation to go for the hospital. That is a brilliant idea and solution in my opinion. Not only that kind of solution, but also he makes an own hospital for the old people using his own money by credit from the bank. In overall, Michael Moore is one of the heroes in healthy life for all person in United States. He just go beyond the problem for finding an excellent solution.