Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sex For Sale

Hardship due to economic pressure has made people take any kinds of ways to earn money to survive. One of the ways is selling sex. Sex for money is called prostitution which has existed for a very long time and it cannot be vanished. Not only women who do it but also men which is called gigolo who provide services for both men and women. Wherever we are, in rich or poor countries, big cities or small cities, there is sex for sale. People who do this kind of activity are those lack of education, unskillful and lazy, they are not willing to do manual labour or to work hard, they just want to get easy money. They do know it is against moral/ethic and law and a;so the risks of doing such activity. They can be arrested or infected by diseases, but they have no choice. Both users and sellers are against moral and are vulnerable of diseases such as syphilis, herpes or even the deadly HIV. However, anyone can be contaminated by these diseases not only by prostitutes, but also by sex for free such as one night stand. You never can tell. Actually, I do not mind sex for sale as there are always demand and supply and as long as this activity does not disturb the society and do it safely. Besides, the society can only scorn them, but do not give the solution. As prostitution cannot be vanished, it would be better if the government legalize and localize it. So that the spread of diseases can be at least minimized by having them have regular medical check up and vocational training for their future when they are “retired”. In addition, it can create job opportunities such as selling food, laundry, room service and other services and also revenue for the government. Furthermore, there will not be any more illegal street hookers that can spread funeral diseases and disturb the society.