Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Euthanasia is an act of deliberate murder, usually done with a fluid injected into the body. Although euthanasia is not allowed in Indonesia, but in some European countries like at Netherlands permit euthanasia. I think euthanasia should be permitted if it's accordance with the code of ethics that has been determined. There are several reasons why I support the existence of euthanasia.

Firs of all, euthanasia could alleviate the suffering of the sick. When someone had malignant cancer and HIV, they feel very sick and desperate. As we know, until now doctor still can not found the medicine for malignant cancer and HIV. In situations like this euthanasia should be allowed, if the patient requests it. In addition, euthanasia can also alleviate the suffering of his family. When seeing a loved one suffer, surely we would feel sad and think about the person. By allowing euthanasia action, family also help the patient relieve his suffering.

Secondly, euthanasia could alleviate the economic burden of the family. When someone in a coma, and he can only live with respirator in hospital for months or even years. Surely it costs very expensive to pay for everything, and not everyone can afford expensive medical costs. The family must be feeling very burdened with this. When do euthanasia, the family's economic burden would be reduced because they no longer pay hospital.

In conclusion, euthanasia may be performed if it's appropriate to code of ethics that have been determined, and patient and his family would agree to do euthanasia. By performing euthanasia can ease the suffering of patients and their families.