Tuesday, August 17, 2010


There are two perspectives that will appear if we talk about prostitution. Some people think prostitution should be legalize but other people strongly disagree with prostitution. People who agree to prostitution should be legalized will think that prostitution is a right of the prostitute itself, because it's their own body so they can do whatever they want. And it is better being a prostitute rather than being a criminalist, because prostitution didn't harm anybody even it could satisfied others need. On the other hand, there are a lot of reasons why prostitution should not be legalized, and all of the reasons are related to ethic. It is so unethical if prostitution is being legalized because, first of all, prostitution will lower the morals of the nation, because prostitutes sell their body just the same like they selling their dignity. Second reason is prostitution automatically will increase the level of abortion and also HIV Aids', because prostitiution brings free sex life style to the community that will leads to Abortion and HIV aids. Last reason is there are still a lot of better job rather than being a prostitue, why dont they choose more respectable job instead of decided to being a prostitute that makes themselves being humiliated. In brief, there are to perspectives if talk about prostitution. Some people do not have objections to prostitution, but some strongly disagree with prostituin. Both arguments have strong reasons which supports their arguments.