Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Comment : SICKO

Sicko is a movie that tells me about the health care system in United States. The movie maker, Michael Moore, decided to do an investigation and comparison of health care services in another countries, such as Canada and UK. From this movie, it is terrible, sad, and even upset for those people who are desperately need funds for their own medical treatment, and the health insurance companies that they sent their application to, had been denied their application due to unimaginable and ridiculous reasons. It says on the movie that based on Michael's interview with one of the health insurance companies' employee, she mentioned that people who suffer from diseases, such as anaemia, cannot get the insurance. In the movie, Michael also interviewed some of the US people regarding to the rejection of their application. A mother of a teenage boy told him that his son could not afford it because he is 'too thin'. For me, no matter how fat or thin they are, as a good government, United States should serve its citizen as good as possible, especially in term of health care, because many people in United States still could not afford those payment. In my opinion, it is mean and cruel when we leave people out there without having insurance towards their life. It is a matter of human rights, being sick and die is everyone's right. Every human beings can sick; so, the US government cannot say that those people who could not get their health insurance are not allowed to be sick. In addition, this movie also showing the reality of those people who are 'sick' with the health care system in USA. They even have to travel until Canada or even abroad, just to get a fair and better health services for themselves and family. In my point of view, it is already way out of the line. This movie really reflects the reality beyond the greatfulness of America that foreigners do not know. The government should do some modification on it if they still want to be calles the Superpower country.