Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Banned of Social Network Site

Some people have proposed the idea to ban the social network website on internet, since they think it caused many negative effects. These people dislike the existence of social network because it can be used by irresponsible parties to cheat others. Moreover, through the social network site, many couples who have married got divorce, since one of them has affair with other social network user and then he or she may cheat and leave their couple. Besides, people think that their privacy is disturbed since their personal information and picture can be accessed by other user.
However, I argue that the social network site should not be banned since it provide many benefits for us. The social network sites are open worldwide, so we can have friends from other countries and it depends on ourselves whether to add someone as our friends or not. We should check the information about the person before add them as our friend. In addition, we should not easily trust the information they put on the site about themselves. For example, when they offer unreasonable offers to us about special products or other things, we should carefully ensure that it is really exist so that we are not being cheated by them.
Moreover, the social network is not always become the main reason why married couples got divorce. In fact, many people able to find their love through the social network site and then get married. The marriage couples should be able to keep the trust and promise that they made together and do not easily tempted by other people. Furthermore, the social network site does not disturb our privacy since we have the choice to put what information we are going to publish.
In addition, we should put our personal information and pictures which are not harmful to other people. In addition, we also have choice to protect our published personal information and pictures by showing it only to selected people. In conclusion, we should be able to use social network site wisely and do not make any harmful thing to other site's users.